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单词 世外桃源

世外桃源shì wài táo yuán

the Land of Peach Blossom—a fictitious land of peace,away from the turmoil of the world; a beautiful retreat (/resort);a heaven of peace; a utopia; Arcadia; cloud-cuckoo land; Shangrila
❍ 这里原有一百多户人家,靠洲种地,依山牧畜,临江打鱼,真是想象中的~。(曲波《林海雪原》388—389) About a hundred families tilled the land here,raising cattle on the slopes and catching fish in the rivers. Truly,an ideal place to live.
❍ 四面苍松翠柏,绿荫成阴,仿佛是这甲山屋的~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—75) Close by a small hill this garden had a dense growth of evergreen trees and formed a“retreat away from the world. ”/在这儿,在这~的仙境中,有了人世喧嚣的声音。(杨沫《青春之歌》24) Here,in this fairy-tale setting,she was disturbed by the clamour of human voices,…

世外桃源shi wai tao yuan

land of peach blossoms—heaven of peace and happiness


Land of Peach Blossoms—a fictitious land of peace,away from the turmoil of the world;a haven of peace;Shangri-La;Arcadia

世外桃源shì wài táo yuán

原指晋代的陶渊明所写的《桃花源记》中虚构的一个与世隔绝、环境幽美、脱离了人间纷乱的安乐之地;现多比喻一种空想的不切实际的美好世界。a heaven of peace, a utopia beyond the actual world





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