释义 |
tonguen. 1. language语言。 △H. V. 5. 2. 311 (286):“Our tongueis rough,coz,”我们的语言是粗直的,兄弟。 △Ado. 5. 1.171 (166):“he hath the tongues.” i.e. he is a masterof foreign languages.他通好几种语言。 double tongue: deceitful tongue,a sign of duplicity撒谎的舌头(口是心非的表现)。 △ Ado. 5. 1. 174 (169):“There’s a double tongue,there’s two tongues.”这是 一条骗人的舌头,会说两种话。 2. voice嗓音。 △Rom. 2. 3. 32:“What early tongue sosweet saluteth me?”大清早是准的温柔的声音向我敬礼? 3. ❶organ of speech 舌头。 ❷language,style ofspeech言语,说法。 △Ham. 5. 2. 132 (125): “Is’t not possible to understand in another tongue?”你这种怪话到别人嘴里,你就不懂了吗?(又译:换个说法,不就可以懂了吗?)Phrases: bestow the tongue on: i. e. scold对… 使用舌头,责骂。 △Oth. 2. 1. 100: “would she give you so much ofher lips / As of her tongue she oft bestows on me.”i. e. if she gave you her lips (i. e. kissed you) as readi-ly as she gives me her tongue (i. e. scolded me). 要是她把嘴唇献给你,就像她拿舌头对付我的次数一样多。bite one’s tongue: i.e.be silent,keep silence咬住自己的舌头,(即)沉默不语,保持沉默。 △2H.vi. 1. 1. 231 (230):“So York must sit and fret and bite his tongue,/While his own lands are bargained for and sold. ”约克也得这样坐着发愁、沉默小语,眼看着他自己的土地被人讨价还价出卖掉。 have tongue at will: can speak freely能说会道。 △Oth.2. 1. 149: “Had tongue at will,and yet was neverloud,”能说会道,但从不吵闹。 the world’s large tongue: universal report万口传说,普遍传闻。 △L.L.L.5.2. 850 (842): “and the world’slarge tongue / Proclaim you for a man replete withmocks,”一般的舆论(又译:世间的长舌)都说你是满嘴的嘲弄揶揄。 tongue舌头位于口腔底部的肌肉性器官,为主要的味觉器官。舌根与颈部的呈U形结构的舌骨相连。舌背有许多微小突起物,上有司味觉的味蕾。舌头能够帮助咀嚼,而且是重要的发音器官。 tongue[tʌŋ]n. 舌,语言 ◇ a slip of the tongue 口误 find one’s tongue 终于开口 hold one’s tongue 缄默 keep a civil tongue 措辞严谨 with one’s tongue in one’s cheek 假心假意地,无心说出来 ‖ tongue twister 绕口令 tongue-in-cheek adj.不认真的 adv. 无诚意地 tongue-lash v.斥责,谴责 tongue-sensibility n. 语感 tongue-tied adj. 发音不清的 tonguester[ˈtʌŋstə(r)]n.唠叨的人,爱说三道四的人 |