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单词 point
释义 point2 /point; point/ vt, vi 1 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (to), direct attention to; show the position or direction of; be a sign of: 指向; 显示…之位置或方向; 表明; 表示: The needle of a compass to the north. 罗盘针指向北方。 He ~ed to the door. 他指着门。 It's rude to ~. 用手指人是不礼貌的。 Both the hour hand and the minute hand ~ed to twelve, It was noon. 促使某人注意其愚行。 Can you ~ (me) out the man you suspect? 你能把你怀疑的那个人指出来吗? He ~ed out the finest pictures to me. 他把最好的图画指给我看。 I must ~ out that delay is unwise. 我必须指出,拖延是不智的。 4 [VP6A] make a point on (eg a pencil); (fig) give force to (advice, a moral). 削尖 (铅笔); (喻) 增强 (忠言,教训) 之力量; 强调。 5 [VP6A] fill in the joints of (brickwork, etc) with mortar or cement, using a trowel to smcxth the material. 以灰泥或水泥填塞 (砌砖工程等) 的接合处; 用泥刀抹平。 6 (of a dog) take up a position with the body steady and the head ~ing in the direction of game. (指犬) 站住以头指向猎物。 poiriter (3). ~ed adj 1 (fig) directed clearly against a particular person or his behaviour: (喻) 明指某人或其行为的; 直截了当的; 率直的: a ~ed reproof. 率直的责备。 Jack was showing ~ed attentions to the glamorous film star. 杰克特别对那位迷人的电影明星献慰勤。 2 (of wit) incisive. (M 机智) 鲤敏的; 犀利的。 ~ 211 丫 adv 时针和分针都指着十二; 是正午的时候。 All the evidence ~ to his guilt. 一切证据均表明他有罪。 2 [VP14] ~ sth at/towards, aim or direct (at, towards): 瞄准; 对着: ~ a gun at sb; 以枪瞄准某人; ~ a telescope at the moon; 以望远镜对着月亮; ~ing his forefinger at me reprovingly. 他谴责地以食指指着我。 3 [VP15B] ~ sth out, show; call or direct attention to: 指 ih; 使注意: ~ out a mistake; 指出错误; ~ out to sb the stupidity of his behaviour.




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