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单词 pole
释义 pole1 /paul; pol/ n 1 North/South P~, either of the two ends of the earth's axis. 北极 (南极) 。 2 North/South Magnetic P~, either of the two points near the North P~ or South P~ to which the compass needle points. 北磁极; 南磁极 (磁针所指接近南北极之点) 。 3 North/South P~, (astron) either of the two points in the celestial sphere about which the stars appear to turn. (天文) 天球北极; 天球南极 (假想之地轴延伸线与天球所交之两点,众星似绕此两极转动) 。 ~ star n the North Star or Polaris /pau'laens; po'kns/, almost coinciding with the true north of the celestial sphere, 北极星 (几与天球之正北相合) 。 4 either of the two ends of a magnet or the terminal points of an electric battery: 磁极; 电极: the negative/positive ~. 阴 (阳) 极。 5 (fig) each of two opposite, conflicting or contrasting principles, etc. (喻) 二相反原则等之一; 二极端之一。 be apart, be widely separated: 相距宣远: The employers and the trade union leaders are still ~s apart, are far from reaching an agreement or compromise, eg about wages. 雇主们与工会领袖们的意见仍然相差太远 (如有关工资问题) 。




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