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单词 title


1. inscription. motto,superscription题词,箴言,铭文。
△Mer. 2.9.35:“Tell me once more what title thou dost bear. ”再告诉我你带着什么样的格言。
2. name,appellation名称,称呼。
△Mer. 3. 1. 15(13):“O that I had a title good enough to keep his namecompany!”啊,我愿我能找出一个最好的称呼加在他的名字上!
△1H.IV. 5. 4. 78: “I better brook the loss of brittle life/Than those proud titles thou hast won of me.”失去这脆弱的生命并不足惜,我不能忍受的是你赢去了我那些崇高的名称。
3. name名义。
△H.VIII. 1. 1. 98:“A proper title of peace,”好一个名义上的和平。
4. position,distinction or pre-eminence given to persons地位,优越身份。
△ Oth. 1. 2. 31:“My parts,my title”. i. e. my legal right or position as a husband. 我的人品,我的地位。
5. claim要求,要求权。
△3H. VI. 3. 1. 47: “That she. poor wretch,for grief can speak no more / Whiles Warwick tells his title,” i. e. relates Edward’s claims.explains his right to the throne. 结果,她,可怜的人,由于悲伤再也说不出话来,而沃里克仍在讲述他的要求。(按:“他”,指爱德华。)
△3H. VI. 3. 3. 145: “But if your title to the crown be weak,/ As may appear by Edward’s good success,”不过,从爱德华的胜利看起来,既然你们对于王位的要求权是薄弱的…。
△Mid. 1. 1. 91: “and,Lysander,yield /Thy crazed title to my certain right.”赖桑德,你那理由不足的要求向我这确定的权利让步吧!
6. Iegal right,right合法权利,权利。
△H. V. 1. 1. 87:“his true titles to some certain dukedoms,”(some certain:redundant expression) 他对于某些公国的合法权利。
△1H. VI. 2. 5. 91:“Thus the Mortimers,/ In whom the title rested. were suppressed.”这么一来,继承有王位权利的摩提默家族就被镇压下去了。
△3H. vi. 1. 1. 102:“Will you we show our title to the crown?”你可希望我说明一下我对于王位的合法权利吗?
△R. III. 2. 2. 47: “ much interest have I in thy sorrow / As I had titlein thy noble husband.” i. e. I had the legal right asmother of the King. 啊,我对于你所悲伤的事也有同样的关切,因为我对于你的高贵的丈夫也有母后的身份。
△H. VIII.1.2. 144:“How grounded he his title to the crown / Upon our fail?”倘若我没有后嗣,他凭什么就说他有权利继承王位?title in: right to对…的权利。
△2H. VI.1.1.12:“Deliver up my title in the Queen / To your most gracioushands,that are the substance / Of that great shadow Idid represent;”把我对于王后的权利交还到陛下的手里,因为你才是我所代表的伟大影子的本体。
title of respect: claim to respect,right to be respected受尊敬的权利。
△ 1H.IV. 1. 3. 7: “Which hath been smooth as oil,soft as young down,/ And therefore lost that title of respect / Which the proud soul ne’er pays but to the proud.”我的性情滑润得像油、软得像茸毛,以致失去了我自己应受尊敬的权利,因为骄傲的人只对骄傲的人才知道尊敬。
7. ownership,possession. property所有权,拥有,财产。
△1H. VI. 3. 3. 25: “For ever should they be expulsed from France. / And not have title of an earldom here.”他们一定要被永远赶出法兰西国境,在这里连一块伯爵领地也不许拥有。
8. claim to the throne对王位的要求权。
△1H. IV. 2. 386 (81): “I fear my brother Mortimer doth stir About his title,”i. e. his claim or right to the throne. 我担心我的兄弟摩提麦又在为他的王位权利而活动。
△1H. IV. 43. 103:“and withal to pry / Into his title.” 而且还要对于他的王位权利进行考察。
△ 3H. VI. 2. 2. 160: “Hadstthou been meek,our title still had slept,”i.e. York’sclaim to the throne would have remained sleeping. 如果你温顺一点,我们对王位的要求原会暂时不提。


‖ abbreviated title 简略标题
alternative title 副标题
art title 美术字幕
caption title 章节标题
changed title 改名
cover title 封面书名
credit title 片头字幕
film title with music 电影插曲字幕
fly title副标题
fronts piece title 扉页书名
main title标题字幕,主字幕
partial title 副标题
roll titles 滚动字幕
side title 幻灯字幕
spoken title 对白字幕
telltale 说明字幕
title back 字幕背景
title bar 标题栏
title bar text 标题栏文字
title bid 夺标呼声
title bout 拳击锦标赛
title card 标题卡片,书名卡,字幕卡片
title catalog 篇名目录,书名目录
title deeds地契
title defect 所有权不完整 title design题花
title events 正式项目
title-holder n.冠军保持者
title index 篇名索引
title indexing 篇名关键词标引法
title insertion 插入字幕
title insurance 产权保险
title label书标
title match 冠军赛,锦标赛,题目,称号
title of a book 书名
title of a post 职衔
title of a senior professional post 高级职称
title of ownership 所有权
title of possession所有权
title-only abstract 篇名文摘
title page 书名页,扉页
title panel 书标
title part (role)片名角色,剧名角色
Title Projects第一号评估项目,字幕,片头
title role 剧名角色
title slide 字幕幻灯片
title to debt 债券证,标题,冠军,资格
title to land 土地所有权
title to property 财产所有权 top title 字幕头
titled adj.有头衔的
titled film 片印字幕的影片
titler n.字幕拍录装置,字幕编写员
titles for editorship 编辑职称
titling n.标题烫印,所有权
titlist n.冠军,职称





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