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单词 care


△H.V.4.1.86 (83):“Though itappear a little out of fashion./There is much careand valour in this Welshman.”虽说这个威尔斯人有点儿古怪,他倒很细心,也很有勇气。
2. watchful regard or attention戒备,小心。
△1H.VI.2.5.97:“But yet be wary in thy studious care.”但是你要多加小心,凡事警惕。
3. concern,attention,solicitude关心,关怀。
△Lr.1.1.104 (102):“half my care and duty.”我一半的关心和责任。
△Lr.1.1.115 (113):“Here I disclaim all my paternalcare,”我从此对你撤消我一切为父的关怀。
△2H.IV.4.2.115(114): “which,by mine honour,/I will performwith a most Christian care.”那些事情,我以自己的荣誉起誓,我一定会以一个基督徒的最大关怀去执行的。
△H.VIII.2.2.130(129): “Heaven's peace be with him!/That'sChristian care enough.”愿上天赐他平安! 这足以表示一个基督徒对他的关怀了。
4. watchful concern and attention,object of concern密切的关心,关心的对象。
△1H.VI.4.6.26:“Speak,thyfather's care:/Art thou not weary,John?”说说吧,你父亲的娇儿啊:你不觉得疲倦吗?
5. concern,desire关切,愿望。
△Rom. 3.5.23:“I havemore care to stay than will to go.”我巴不得留下,并不想离去。
❷occupation,regu-lar business工作,固定事务。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5.133(134):“When that my care could not withhold thy riots/What wilt thou do when riot is thy care?”如果我操碎了心也不能制止你的放肆胡闹,等到你一旦登基,防止内乱成了你的日常事务,你又该怎么办呢? (按:care和riot二词都用作双关语。)
7. anxious concern,anxiety,worry忧虑,焦虑,担忧。
△Rom.2.3.35:“Care keeps his watch in every oldman’s eye./And where care lodges. sleep will neverlie;”忧虑使每个老年人合不上眼,一有忧虑便永远不得安眠。
△Mer.1.1.75:“They lose it( that do buy itwith much care.”用过多的烦恼去购买人生,是反倒要丧失了人生的。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5.157(158):“The care on theedepending/Hath fed upon the body of my father;”与你相联系的焦虑耗干了我父王的身体。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.1.34:“The reverent care I bear unto my lord/Made mecollect these dangers in the Duke.”我一心为主上感到焦虑,所以才推想出公爵所具有的这种种的危险。
take no care: have no worries不必担忧。
△1H.Ⅵ.1.4.21:“Father,I warrant you,take you no care;”父亲,我向你保证,请你不必担忧。
△1H.Ⅵ.3.3.3:“Care isno cure;”悲伤无济于事。
care killed a cat: (Proverb)“Care’ll kill a cat.”(Thepoint lies in the suggestion that a cat has nine lives.)(谚语)“忧愁能害死猫。”(传说猫有九条命,以此强调忧能伤人。)
△Ado.5.1.135(132):“What though care killed acat,thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.”虽然忧愁能害死猫,可是你有勇气把忧愁杀死。


vi. take care,trouble oneself,worry操心,费神,担忧。
△Tw.3.1.30(26): “I warrant thou art a merryfellow,and carest for nothing.”我敢说你是个快活的家伙,万事都不关心。
△2H.Ⅵ.3.1.173:“If those thatcare to keep your royal person/From treason’s secretknife and traitor’s rage / Be thus upbraided,chid,and rated at,”如果那些关切保护陛下使御驾免遭乱臣贼子暗剑和凶暴伤害的人,这样受到训斥、责备和怒骂…。
care for: ❶be concerned about关心。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.2.279 (258): “Care I for the limb,the thews,the sta-ture,bulk,and big assemblance of a man?”我何必去注意哪一个人的手脚、肌肉、身材、块头和高大的外表?
❷worry a-bout为…担心。
△Lr.1.4.212(191):“Thou wast apretty fellow when thou hadst no need to care for herfrowning,”你原先不用为她皱眉而操心的时候,倒还是个好好的人。


n.注意,照料,照顾,喜爱,小心,关心,担心 v. 关心,照顾,喜爱,由…转交
◇ care about 关心
care for 喜欢,想要,看护,照料
care naught for 毫不关心
care of real estate 对不动产的照管
care proceedings 有关青少年犯罪的诉讼
care to 愿意 for all I call 与我无关
in care of 由…转变
in the care of 由…照管
take care 留意,当心
take care of 照顾,照料,满足…需要
‖ care order 监护决议
caretaker government看守政府
caretaker president 看守总统
carefree adj.无忧无虑的,不负责的
careful adj.小心的,谨慎的
carefully adv. carefulness n.仔细,慎重草率的
careless adj.粗心的,不注意的
careless and inadvertent negligence 疏忽大意的过失
careless driving粗心驾驶车辆
carelessly adv.不注意地,粗心地
carelessness n. 不注意,粗心,草率
caretaker n. 看管人,看守,管理员





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