careern. 1.race-course跑道。 △Wiv.1.1.185(179):“passedthe careers.”(lit.“galloped at full speed over a race-course,”) i.e. ran away with him. (原指赛马时马“全速奔出跑道”,转义)狂奔乱跑。(“and so conclusions passed thecareers”,乱下结论。) 2. course of action进程。 △Ado.2.3.261(241):“thecareer of his humour”,i.e.the course of his inclina-tion. 他兴之所至的事情。 3. (term of horsemanship) short gallop at full speed,uncontrollable gallop; unbridled behaviour(马术名词)全速短跑,无法控制的疾驰;(转义)放纵行为。 △H.Ⅴ.2.1.132(125):“The King is a good king,but it must be asit may; he passes some humours and careers.”国王是位好国王,可是事已如此,也没法子;他也有使性子、任意发脾气的时候。 △H.Ⅴ.3.3.22:“What rein can hold licentiouswickedness/When down the hill he holds his fiercecareer?”(he: wickedness.)当无法无天的邪恶像马向山下猛冲一样欲罢不得的时候,又有什么样的缰绳能制止住它? 4. tilting at full speed in a tournament (在骑士比武中)全速冲刺。 △Ado.5.1.138(135):“I shall meet your witin the career( full speed),an you charge it a-gainst me.”如果你把你的口才冲我杀来,我一定向你全力迎战。5. charge. encounter冲锋,遭遇战。 △L.L.L.5.2.483(482):“this career.”这一场遭遇战。 career[kəˈriə]n. 生涯,经历,职业,事业,专业v. 狂奔,飞驰 ◇ carve a career 谋求发迹 in full career 全速地,开足马力的 make a career 向上爬,追求个人名利 ‖ career anchors 职业动机 career awareness(小学生)初步就业教育 career centre 就业中心 career choice 职业选择 career counselling 职业咨询 career counselling session职业辅导讲座 career criminals 职业罪犯 career development 事业发展,职业培训 Career Development Education 生涯发展教育 career development structure 事业发展架构 career education 职业教育,就业教育 career framework 事业发展架构 career girl (woman)职业妇女 career grade 职业等级 career ladder 职务级别提升,(职务)提级 career man 专业人员,职业外交家 career master 指导选择职业的导师 career maturity 职业成熟性 career mobility 职业流动 career path 职业道路 career pattern 就业模式 career planning 事业前途策划,职业计划 career posting 职位调派,职位部署 career prospect 事业前途,职业前途,晋升机会 career service center 职业介绍所 career stabilizer 职业稳定因素 career structure 职业结构 career training 职业培训 career woman职业妇女 careers adviser 就业指导员 careers guidance 就业指导 careers officer(学生)就业指导员 Careers Service (青年)就业服务处 careers teacher 就业指导教师 careerism n. 野心,追逐名利 careerist n.野心家,追逐名利者 careerman n. 野心家,专业人员 |