n. light but audible blow轻打。
tap for tap: tit for tat. thrust for thrust. blow forblow针锋相对,一下还一下。
△ 2H. IV. 2. 1. 209 (192):“This is the right fencing grace. my lord. tap for tap,and so part fair.”这就是正当的斗剑派头,针锋相对,一来一往,然后和和气气分手。
vb. draw liquor,serve as tapster 打酒,做酒保。
△Wiv. 1. 3. 11:“he shall tap.”让他拿酒。
n. 电话窃听器,轻敲,水龙头,政府有价证券v.轻打,轻敲,轻拍
◇ tap at the door敲门
‖ ta p bill财政部库券
tap bond国库债券
tap issue国库券债券时价发行
tap new resources and economize on expenditures开源节流
tap new sources of supply and reduce consumption开源节流
tap parry击打式防守
tap pass指尖拍传
tap rate时价行情
tap stock直接债券
tapping ball into net弹球入网
taping device窃听器
tapping shot补篮,叩击,窃听电话