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诗文 天津西医院开设


第二次鸦片战争后,英法联军侵占天津。清咸丰十一年(1861),英国驻屯军在紫竹林开设军医诊所,有平房数间,除给外国驻军和洋人看病外,也接诊中国人。同治七年(1868),转交给英国基督教会,改名 “基督教伦敦会施诊所” ,所址在河北大王庙李鸿章家庙(今三岔河口附近)。
光绪五年(1879)四月,李鸿章函致美国驻津副领事毕德格,让其代请在京的美以美会女医生郝维德为其妻治病,效果良好。李鸿章继续聘请外国医生,英国基督教伦敦会遂派遣传教士、英籍医生马根济(John Kenneth Mackenjie),来津接办、主持施诊所业务。马根济治好了李鸿章妻子的病。
宣统三年(1911),基督教伦敦会及有关方面组成委员会,筹集资金,于1924年拆除了医院原庙宇式建筑,重建了砖木结构的医院门诊部、护士楼、医师住宅楼。设计人是英商永固工程司。为纪念马根济大夫的立业之功,将“英国基督教伦敦会医院”改名为 “马大夫纪念医院” 。此后,仍由永固工程司设计,于1930年建成钢筋混凝土框架结构4层带地下室的北楼; 1935年建成三面组合式南楼病房。并于同期建成3层的后楼。总建筑面积5541.80平方米。“诊疗班”改为“临时第一医院” 。
1929年,医院还创办了护士学校,后以 “济华高级护士学校”名称,向政府注册。
1937年七七事变后,医院接受伤兵及难民救护。1941年太平洋战争爆发后,侵华日军强占医院,改为“同仁会天津诊疗班”。1945年抗战胜利后,国民党卫生局接管,又将 “诊疗班”改为 “临时第一医院” 。同年12月,还给英国基督教伦敦会,恢复了“马大夫纪念医院”原名。
1951年10月,人民政府接管了这所医院,改名天津市立人民医院。当时为综合性医院; 1956年改为骨瘤专科医院; 1971年2月,骨科迁至天津医院,人民医院成为瘤科专科医院。


After the second Opium War,the Allied Forces of UKand France occupied Tianjin. In 1861 (the 11th year ofEmperor Xianfeng),the UK army built a military clinicat Zizhulin. Not only the stationed allied forces andforeigners but also the local residents were treated in theclinic. In 1868,the clinic was taken over by the BritishChristian Church. It changed name to "Christian LondonClinic" and was relocated at Governor-General LiHongzhang`s home temple of Dawang Temple in HebeiDistrict.
In April,1879,Li Hongzhang wrote a letter toAmerica`s deputy consulate in Tianjin to invite thewoman doctor of the Methodist Episcopal Church inBeijing to treat his sick wife. The curative effect waspositive and Li decided to continue inviting foreigndoctors into Tianjin. The Christian London Clinic sentthe missionary and doctor John Kenneth Mackenjie toTianjin,who cured Li Hongzhang`s wife at last.
Li Hongzhang helped raise outlay and built atemple-like building at Haida Street,Zizhulin in FrenchConcession (No 75-77,Dagu North Road). The clinicwas enlarged into the London Hospital. On November1,1880,the British and Russian consulates were invitedto attend the opening ceremony of the hospital. Thiswas the first comprehensive private western hospital inmodern China.
In 1888,Doctor Mackenjie died at 37. After hisdeath,the Christian London Association sent 12 Britishdoctors as the presidents of the hospital from 1888 to1945. In 1945,a Chinese doctor Lei Aide served as thepresident until 1951.
In 1911,the Christian London Association andother organizations raised funds,removed the originaltemple-like architecture,and constructed a buildingwith ambulant department,nurse building and doctorapartment. The designer was Britain Adams,Knowles& Tuckey,Architects and Engineers. To commemorateDoctor Mackenjie,the hospital was named "DoctorMackenjie Memorial Hospital". Designed by BritainAdams,Knowles & Tuckey,Architects and Engineers,a four-storied building of steel and cement wasconstructed. Later the total construction area of thehospital reached to 5,500 square metres.
In 1929,the hospital set up a nurse school,whichwas called Jihua Advanced Nurse School.
In 1937,the hospital received and treated woundedsoldiers and refugees after the July 7 Incident. In1940,the Japanese army controlled the hospital afterthe outbreak of the Pacific War. Its name was changedto "Tianjin Clinic of Tongren Association". In 1945,the Kuomintang authority took over the hospital afterthe triumph of the Anti-Japanese War,calling it theNo 1 Temporary Hospital. The Kuomintang returnedthe hospital to the Christian London Association inDecember. Its name was changed back to DoctorMackenjie Memorial Hospital.
In October 1951,the people`s government tookover the hospital and changed its name into "TianjinPeople`s Hospital" as a comprehensive hospital. In1956,it became a special hospital for the treatmentof orthopaedics and tumor. In February 1971,theorthopaedics department of the hospital was movedto Tianjin Hospital. The People`s Hospital became ahospital for tumor treatment.
In 1987,the People`s Hospital was changed nameto Tianjin Tumor Hospital and moved to the north ofTianjin Athletic School. Its original location was usedby nonnasality and orthopaedics hospital.





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