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诗文 北洋法政学堂成立


学堂分设本科6年,预、正科各3年。正科又分设政治、法律两科。政治科设政治、经济专业; 法律科设本国法律、国际法专业。正科毕业后授予证书,并给予安置。另有简易科,分绅班、职班,学制一年半。绅班为行政科,招收地方府县保送生; 职班为司法科,专收外地在职人员。学堂有日籍教员9人。
李大钊为该校首期学生,自光绪三十三年(1907)至1913年秋,在该校度过6年学习生涯。他由3年预科,转入3年政治专科,学完了必修的30余门课程,不仅成绩优异,而且才识过人,能诗善文,为全校之冠。同时,他积极投身爱国民主运动; 1912年冬,参加社会党,并被选为天津支部干事;参加北洋法政学会,被选为编辑部长;主持并参加编译了《〈支那分割之运命〉驳议》、《蒙古及蒙古人》。1913年4月,参加组织创办并主编《言治》月刊,至11月,共出版6期; 他在刊物上先后发表诗、文35篇(首),充满强烈的反帝反封建精神和痛心国事、关心民苦的爱国情怀。
1914年6月,该校与直隶高等商业学校、保定法政学校合并,更名直隶公立法政专门学校。1929年,改称河北省立法商学院,设法、政、经、商4个系,学制4年; 另附设高中班和高、初两级商科职业班; 并开始招收女生。七七事变后,被日军封闭。1947年复校。新中国成立后,分别并入北京政法学院和南开大学。


Beiyang Special School of Law started to be preparedfrom 1906 (the 32nd year of Emperor Guangxu).The founding ceremony was held in July 23 in 1907,whose tenet was to cultivate political talents. Li Pu wasappointed as the supervisor. It was located near XinkaiRiver (No. 103 Zhicheng Road in Hebei District).
The college had a 3-year preparatory course and athree-year college course. The college course includedtwo departments,political science and law. Politicalscience department had two majors,political scienceand economics. Law department had national law andinternational law majors. A student would be grantedwith a diploma after completing the college course andwould be recommended with a job. There was alsocondensed course lasting for one and a half years. Thecondensed course included that for gentries and that forin-service employees. The condensed course for gentriesmajored in administration and the students were thoserecommended by county and prefecture government.The condensed course for in-service employee majoredin law and the students were those non-local in-serviceemployees. The college had nine Japanese teachers.
Li Dazhao was the student of the first term. He hadbeen studying here for six years from 1907 (the 33rdyear of emperor Guangxu) to the autumn of 1913. Hespent three years in preparatory course and three yearsin college course. He finished more than 30 compulsorycourses with outstanding results. He was talented inmany fields. He wrote poems and was one of the bestin writing in the college. He also actively took part inpatriotic and democratic movements. In the winter of1912,he was enrolled in the Social Party and was electedas Secretary of Tianjin Branch. He joined BeiyangAcademy of Law and Political Science and was electedas the Chief Editor. He organized and participated incompiling and editing Refutation to Destiny of ChinaSeparation,Mongolia and Mongol. In April 1913,hestarted Journal on Administration and assumed the officeof Chief Editor. The journal has issued six times byNovember. Li Dazhao published on the journal 35 poemsand articles,all of which permeated his strong hostilityagainst the imperialism and feudalism as well as his loveand care and for the mass,for his motherland.
After graduation,Li Dazhao had returned to thecollege several times. In December 30,1923,he wasinvited back to attend the 18th anniversary of the college.He made a speech with the title of A 18-year Retrospectin which he had given high praise to the revolutionarytradition of the college.
In June 1914,the college was combined with ZhiliAdvanced Trade and Commerce School and BaodingLaw and Political Science School and was renamed ZhiliPublic Law and Political Science College. In 1929,it wasrenamed as Hebei Law and Commerce College. It hadfour departments with a four-year course,including law,political science,economics and commerce departments.It also had preparatory courses for the four departments.In addition,it set higher and lower vocational classesfor commerce. It began to recruit women students. Thecollege was closed by the Japanese army after the eventon July 7th in 1937. It resumed its operation in 1947.After the founding of the new China,it was combinedinto Beijing Law and Political Science College andNankai University.





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