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诗文 津门辛亥风云


辛亥革命爆发以前,天津的革命党人和爱国志士,已积极开展反对清王朝的活动。当武昌起义的消息传到天津后,许多革命党人从全国各地和海外云集天津。光复会、急进会、北方革命总团、女子革命同盟等革命团体,像雨后春笋般地涌现出来,其中共和会影响最大。该组织由北洋法政和北洋女子师范两校师生为主组成,成员有白雅雨、胡宪、于树德、凌钺、刘清扬(女)等。李大钊也曾参加共和会的筹备活动。这时的天津已成为北方革命派的活动中心。是年11月13日,顺直咨议局发表通电,主张实行“共和政体” 。接着《民兴报》、《经纬报》也发表同情革命、赞成共和的言论,从而打破了天津舆论界君主立宪论的一统天下。是年12月1日,中国同盟会京津保支部也在津成立。成为领导京、津、保地区革命的重要组织。


在准备武装起义的同时,革命党人还成立了暗杀团,采用暗杀手段,打击反动势力。1912年1月26日,天津暗杀团团长薛成华和团员尹渔村等4人,在新车站(今北站)谋刺从京返津的北洋巡防大臣张怀芝。虽然未能成功,却显示了革命党人的顽强斗志。因为此次暗杀被捕遇害的薛成华的一首遗诗,就是这种斗志的写照: “男儿死尔果何悲,断体焚身任所为; 寄语同志须努力,功成早建荡夷碑。”
In 1911(the 3rd year of Emperor Xuantong),Revolutionof 1911(the year of Xinhai),also called XinhaiRevolution,took place. This was a great revolution inmodern China. It ended the feudal monarchism that hadruled China for more than 2000 years and opened a newhistoric era.
In October 10,1911 when Wuchang Uprising tookplace,the situation in China changed abruptly. Provincesin south China quickly responded with military actions.Tianjin,the northern city of military importance underthe foot of the capital,was critical in balancing therevolutionary and counterrevolutionary power in China.Moving and gloriously,the courageous Tianjin peoplelaunched fierce attack again and again to the QingGovernment for final victory.
Before Xinhai revolution,revolutionists andpatriots in Tianjin had actively taken activities againstthe Qing Government. When the news of WuchangUprising reached Tianjin,they were greatly inspired.Many revolutionists gathered in Tianjin from othercities and abroad,preparing for the final blow to QingDynasty. They mainly came from such revolutionaryentities as Guangfu League,Radicalist League,NorthernRevolution Group General and Women RevolutionAlliance,emerging like bamboo shoots after a springrain. Among these,Republic League was one of themost influential in Tianjin. Most members of RepublicAssociation came from Beiyang Law and PoliticalScience College and Beiyang Women Normal School,including Bai Yayu,Hu Xian,Yu Shude,Ling Yueand Liu Qingyang (female) etc. Li Dazhao had alsoparticipated in the preparation for the founding ofRepublic League and at that time Tianjin was therevolutionary center in north China. In November 13,Shunzhi Consultancy Union issued a declaration thatadvocated the practice of republic. Following that,Minxing Newspaper and Jingwei Newspaper alsopublished articles that showed sympathy to revolutionsand their support to republic. These breached the rulingof constitutional monarch in the public. In December 1st,Beijing,Tianjin and Baoding Branch of China FederalAssociation was also founded in Tianjin and it becamethe important organization that led the revolutionaries inBeijing,Tianjin and Baoding.
However,Yuan Shikai tried to suppress therevolutionaries in order to control Tianjin. He first killedsome of the revolutionaries preparing for a revolt inTianjin including Wang Xipu (Stage name,Zhongsheng,meaning the sound of bell)and others. Wang Xipuparticipated in the armed uprising in Shanghai in thebeginning of November in 1911. He was elected as oneof the twelve brain men for the governor of Shanghaiarmy. In mid November,Wang Xipu came to Tianjin insecret. He lived in the home of his friend Liu Ziliang inAustrian concession. He contacted actors and preparedfor revolts,which greatly terrified the authorities. At thenight of December 2nd,under the order of Yuan Shikai,the chief governor of Zhili Province,Chen Kuilong,sent policemen from his government and the Austrianconcession to the home of Liu Ziliang,and arrestedseven people including Wang Xipu and Liu Ziliang.In the evening of the next day,Wang Xipu was killedin Gadawa barrack in the west of Tianjin. He was oneof the martyrs that died earliest in Tianjin in XinhaiRevolution.
The threatening,arresting and slaughter by theQing government did not terrify the revolutionaries.However,it reinforced their resolution to overthrowthe government. In December 14,1911,revolutionarygroups combined into Northern Revolution Union,reinforcing their revolutionary power. Hu Egong,therepresentative of Hubei Army Government,was electedas chairman. In the end of December,the NorthernRevolution Union sent Bai Yayu to Luanzhou to lead thearmy there for rising. After the victory of the rising,theLuanzhou army went south to Tianjin. In January 2,1912,the Luanzhou New Army declared independence andfounded Luan Zhou Military Government. However,thearmy was ambuscaded in its marching by Yuan Shikai`sarmy and was seriously defeated. Bai Yayu was alsokilled in the battle. People grieved over the death of BaiYayu. Li Dazhao and other students of Beiyang Law andPolitical Science held a formal mourn for Bai Yayu andexpressed their resolution to continue the revolution.
In making preparations for the military rising,therevolutionaries also founded an assassination associationto strike the counter-revolution power. In January26,1912,the leader of the assassination association,XueChenghua and other three members of the associationplanned to assassinate Northern Defense Official ZhangHuaizhi on his way from Beijing to Tianjin. Thoughthey failed finally,they showed informidable will of therevolutionaries which was reflected in a poem written byXue Chenghua before he was killed. It wrote:
Never will a real man grieve over his death,
Because even if he will be killed or burned,He stillTries to do whatever he likes with his last breath;
My purpose to write this poem is to encourage allmy fellows:
Never give up unless dictator`s steles areoverthrown and you make success!
In January 27,1912,the Northern RevolutionUnion held an urgent meeting in Xikai Weaving Bureauand Jixiangli in French concession. At the meeting,Hu Egong made a report about his meeting with thepresident Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing and the president`s finewish to the northern revolutionaries. At the meeting,they decided to uprise at the midnight of December 29.They planned to organize the army in nine groups,tooccupy Tianjin at one stroke and then finally occupyBeijing. At the night of December 29,after the combatbegan,the rising army had fierce gunfight with the Qingarmy in East Road,Jingang Bridge and governor office.The groups for attacking the governor`s office had beenlaunched attack several times and had been occupyingthe east gate. However,the uprising failed finally afterfierce combat for several hours because of the greatdisparity between armed forces of the union and theQing government. Many excellent soldiers such as QianXiufeng were killed in the combat.






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