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诗文 中共顺直省委在天津建立



·革命火种(油画 作者: 黄其)

1927年四五月间(4月27日至5月9日),中国共产党第五次全国代表大会在武汉召开,大会批判了陈独秀等的右倾机会主义路线。天津推选安幸生、张宗一参加大会。大会后,中央派彭述之到北方筹备组织中共顺直省委; 同时,派蔡和森代表中央视察北方区的工作。蔡和森到北京、山西、山东了解情况后,来到天津。他听取了天津地委的工作汇报,决定把顺直省委设在天津。( “顺直” ,指顺天府北京和直隶省河北省)
改组会议,批判了右倾路线,却把八七会议的 “左倾”错误带到了北方。1927年10月15日,省委做出了在绥远、内蒙、热河3个特区和北京、天津、直南、唐山、京东4县,发动 “北方暴动”的冒险主义决定,给革命造成重大损失。于方舟、杨春霖在领导玉田暴动时,壮烈牺牲。
会后不久,周恩来代表党中央在佛照楼旅馆(今哈尔滨道50号)省委会议上,宣布有关决定和任职名单,韩连会继任书记、陈潭秋任宣传部长、张金刃任组织部长、张昆弟任工委书记、郝清玉任农委书记、张兆丰任军委书记、秦兰英任妇委书记、郭宗鉴任秘书长; 并宣布刘少奇调回中央工作。
In April 1927,after Chiang Kai-shek launched theApril 12 Event in Shanghai,the Feng warlordskilled Communists in Beijing and Tianjin. TwentyCommunists including Li Dazhao,Secretary of NorthArea,were killed in Beijing. On 18,Jiang Zhenhuanand 14 Communists were killed at Nanshi,Tianjin. Tomemorize the fifteen martyrs,a monument was erectedat Zhongshan Park in Tianjin in 1931.
From November 1926 to January 1928,theCommunist organization was destroyed 9 times. 100Communists were arrested. Li Jida and 19 Communistswere killed.
In April and May of 1927,in Wuhan,the FifthNational Congress of CPC was held,which criticizedtheright-wing opportunism of Chen Duxiu. AnXingsheng and Zhang Zongyi attended the conferenceas representatives from Tianjin. After the meeting,thecentralcommitteesentPeng Shuzhi to Tianjin preparingthe Shunzhi Provincial Committee of the CommunistParty.It also sent Cai Hesen to inspect the work of NorthArea.Cai Hesen went to Beijing,Shanxi and Shandongfor investigation.In Tianjin,he listened to the reportsfrom Tianjin District Committee and decided to putthe Shunzhi Provincial Committee in Tianjin. (Shunzhiincluded Shuntian Beijing,Zhili and Hebei.)
On August 1,1927,the Shuzhi ProvincialCommittee was set up. Peng Shuzhi was thesecretary. Liu Bozhuang,Li Jida and Chen Weirenwere responsible for organization,propaganda andthe worker`s movement respectively in north China.Tianjin District Committee was enlarged to MunicipalCommittee (including three district committees).Li Jida,a member of the provincial committee,wasthe secretary-general; Su Ze,head of OrganizationDepartment; and Peng Zhen,head of PropagandaDepartment.
After the August 7 Meeting in 1927,Cai Hesenrestructured Shunzhi Provincial Committee. ZhuJintang became the secretary-general. Yu Fangzhou,Peng Shuzhi,Wang Zhongyi,and Yang Chunlin wereresponsible for organization,propaganda,worker`smovement and peasant`s movement respectively. All ofthem were standing members.
The reconstruction meeting ctiticized the right-wing line,but brought the wrong left-wing line tothe north. On October 15,1927,Shunzhi ProvincialCommittee risked to launch "North Revolution" inSuiyuan,the Inner Mongolia,Rehe,Beijing,Tianjin,Zhinan,Tangshan and Jingdong,which resulted in greatloss to the revolution. Yu Fangzhou and Yang Chunlindied during leading the rebellion at Yutian.
On July 22,1928,Liu Shaoqi and Chen Tanqiu asspecial envoys from central committee of CPC held anenlarged meeting of Shunzhi Provincial Committee. Boththe left-wing and the right-wing lines were criticized.Extreme democracy was replaced by democraticcentralism. They also restructured the committee.Peng Lianhui became the secretary-general. PengZhen,Zhang Kundi and Hao Qingyu were responsiblefor organization,worker`s movement and peasant`smovement respectively.
In December,Zhou Enlai,Secretary-general ofMilitary Committee and Minister of OrganizationDepartment,came to Tianjin and stayed at the NorthernHotel in the Japanese concession (No. 201,Xing`anRoad). In the last of December,he chaired an enlargedmeeting of Shunzhi Provincial Committee at twobungalows in Dajili at the back of Xikai Church. 43representatives including Liu Shaoqi and Chen Tanqiuattended the meeting. According to the resolution ofthe Sixth National Congress of CPC,the provincialcommittee was restructured. The Tianjin MunicipalCommittee was abolished. The activities of CPC inTianjin were under the leadership of the ShunzhiProvincial Committee. It led four districts in Tianjin: XiaBian,Hebei,Hedong,and Zujie.
After the meeting,Zhou Enlai,representing theCentral Committee of CPC,declared the appointmentsduring the provincial meeting at the Fuzhaolou Hotel (50Harbin Road): Han Lianhui was the secretary-general;Chen Tanqiu,head of Propaganda Department; ZhangJinren,head of Organization Department; Zhang Kundi,head of Industrial Department; Hao Qingyu,head ofAgricultural Department; Zhang Zhaofeng,head ofMilitary Department; Qing Lanying,head of WomanDepartment; and Gou Zongjian,general secretary. LiuShaoqi was moved back to the Central Committee ofCPC.






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