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诗文 严复与变法维新


光绪二十一年(1985),以维新派的代表人物康有为为首的1300余名在京应试的举人,联名 “公车上书” (因举人进京会试乘公车,史称 “公车上书” ),宣告了中国维新变法运动的开始。
严复与北京 “公车上书” 相呼应,从光绪二十一年(1895)正月初十起到四月,在天津《直报》发表了《论世变之亟》、《原强》、《辟韩》、《救亡决论》等文章,全面提出了救亡图存,变法维新的主张。特别是在《辟韩》中,用资产阶级的民主观,否定了封建主义的“君臣之论” ,成为维新派批判封建主义的最有力的武器。
光绪二十三年十月一日 (1897年10月26日),严复与友人王修植、夏曾佑等人,又在天津创办了 《国闻报》 (日报),为天津维新变法思想的传播,为陆续颁行的变法新政,进行了充分报道,为资产阶级的政治改良运动大造舆论。它不仅是天津由中国人创办的最早报纸,而且是维新派在华北地区出版的唯一报纸,同时也是维新派创办的第一家日报。
《国闻报》创办后一个月,又编辑出版了《国闻汇编》,作为旬刊,严复译述的 《天演论》和《群学肄言》的部分译文,即在旬刊上首次发表。由于这些报刊及时报道了各地维新变法活动和先进的思想观点,阅后使人耳目一新,影响很大,与当时梁启超在上海主办的《时务报》交相辉映,被视为宣传维新变法思想的南北两大阵地。
光绪二十四年 (1898),从正月初六到十四日,严复在《国闻报》上发表《拟上皇帝书》,此后并受到光绪皇帝召见,遵命将此书修缮抄呈,由军机处转上,后因政变,未能上达。


最引人注目的是建学堂。主要学堂有: 天津育才馆、俄文馆、矿务学堂、芦汉铁路学堂、严氏家塾等。而且在学校体制、教学内容和考试制度等方面,也都进行了改革。天津各书院一律改试策论。天津原有6所大小书院,有的归并到北洋高等学堂,有的改为天津府中学堂、天津县小学堂,问津书院和辅仁书院也改成了学堂,同时还设立了编译书局; 还派学生赴日留学,学习新技术。
在军事方面也进行了一些改革。袁世凯接管的 “定武军”在天津小站使用新式武器,按西方国家军队的模式进行操练。
In 1894(the 12th year of Emperor Guangxu),China`ssetbacks in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and thesigning of Treaty of Shimonoseki shocked the nationand aroused the appeal for reform.Intellectuals who hadaccepted the Western Bourgeois thoughts criticized thecorruption of the Qing Government and worried aboutthe future of the nation. They wished to turn China intoa capitalist power through the reform from top to bottomin peaceful ways.
In 1895,Kang Youwei,a representative of thereformists,led 1,300 or so Juren,successful candidatesin the imperial examinations at the provincial level inQing Dynasty,submitted a petition to the royal court,embarking of the Constitutional Reform Movement inChina.
Tianjin,as the gate to Beijing and the traffic hingeof sea and land,was the hub of the ConstitutionalReform Movement in northern China. The leader of themovement in Tianjin was Yan Fu,the dean of TianjinNavy School.
To echo the reform movement in Beijing,Yan Fupublished a series articles,such as Lun Shibian Zhiji(On Society),Yuanqiang (The Original Power),Pihan,Jiuwang Juelun (Final Theory on Saving the Nation fromDistinction) from January to April in 1895. Yan`s articleselaborated his thoughts on how to save China throughthe Constitutional Reform Movement. Especially inPihan,Yan denied the feudal relationship betweenemperor and his ministers from the perspective ofBourgeis democracy,which became the most powerfulweapon of the reformists in criticizing the feudalism.
On October 26,1897,Yan Fu,Wang Xiuzhi andXia Zengyou created Guowenbao (National News Daily)to promote the ideas of Constitutional Reform. Thenewspaper was the first newspaper created by th Chinesepeople in Tianjin as well as the only one compiled byrefomists in northern China. Onemonth after the establishmentof the newspaper,Yan alsocompiled Guowen Huibian (theCollection of National News),which was issued once every10 days. The latter publicationcarried parts of the Chinese translation of Evolution and Ethics written by ThomasHenry Huxley as well as parts of Social Statistic byHerbert Spencer. All the newspapers reported in timethe ideas,thoughts and activities of ConstitutionalReform Movement,producing profound influencesamong readers. The National News Daily,together withLiang Qichao`s Shiwubao (Current Affairs Newspaper)in Shanghai,were regarded as the two pillar media topromote the Constitutional Reform Movement.
From January 6 to 14,1898,Yan published the NiShang Huangdi Shu (A Letter to the Emperor) and wasreceived by Emperor Guangxu. The letter was asked tobe copied and forwarded by the Ministry of Defense,butit did not reach the emperor due to an aborted coup.
In 1898,Yan`s translation of Huxley`s Evolutionand Ethics was published in Tianjin. He also translatedseveral other western classics such as Wealth of Nationsby Adam Smith and Social Statistic by Herbert Spencer.For the first time,Yan introduced systematically theWestern Bourgeois classic economics,political theories,legal theories,sociology and logic to China. In histranslations,Yan added his own comments concerningChina`s practice to promote his thoughts that only theConstitutional Reform could save China.
Influenced by the constitutional movement,there was an upsurge of editing newspapers,foundingassociations and building schools in Tianjin. By 1898,there were more than 20 newspapers advocatingadvanced ideas in Tianjin.
A most remarkable influenceof the Reform Movement wasto build schools,which mainlyincluded Tianjin Talent TrainingSchool,Russian School,MiningSchool,Luhan Railway School,Yan`s Family School and so on. Theeducation system,curriculum andexaminations in the schools were also reformed. Allthese schools adopted examinations of politics writing.As to Tianjin`s original six schools,some were affiliatedto Beiyang Higher School,and some others were mergedinto Tianjin Middle School or Tianjin County PrimarySchool. The Wenjin Shuyuan and Furen Shuyuan werealso changed into schools. A publishing house wasfounded to compile and translate books. Some studentswere sent to Japan to study new technologies.
In military aspect,Yuan Shikai took over 4,000Dingwu soldiers stationed in Xiaozhan and trained themin western methods with the equipment of advancedweapons.
On the 7th day after the failure of the ConstitutionalReform Movement,the Guowenbao carried an articleentitled Shisi Rugui (To Face Death Unflinchingly),which reported for the first time the death of TanSitong and other five reformists. It praised highly of thespirits of the reformists and expressed condolence tothe dead. After that,Tianjin`s old system was retrievedand the newspaper Guowenbao was shut down. TheBourgeois tried in vain to strengthen China through theConstitutional Reform Movement.
Soon after that,the newspaper was sold to theJapanese. In 1901,the newspaper was renamed asTianjin Riri Xinbao (Tianjin Daily News),to which FangRuo served as the editor-in-chief. It turned out that Fangwas a traitor and the newspaper was fully controlled bythe Japanese for their invasion towards China.





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