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诗文 评剧在天津的发祥



发达的现代化舞台,使戏剧活动达到了天津历史上的鼎盛时期。我国古时候,有“百戏会演”之说; 20世纪二三十年代的天津,可以说是“百台竞演”。各种表演门类在艺术上的碰撞,导致了不同艺术的相互吸收、渗透、融合,从而不仅丰富了各自的表演手段和技术,而且也孕育了新的艺术门类的胚胎。
评剧就是一个新的艺术胚胎,它是从天津的戏剧舞台上脱胎出来的。评剧的前身是莲花落子,它本是“行乞之歌” ,盛行于唐山一带,为农民的自娱性俗曲小调,光绪年间开始在天津流行。据光绪十年(1884)张焘辑《津门杂记》记载: “北方之唱莲花落者,谓之落子,即如南方之花鼓戏也,系妙龄女子登场度曲,虽于妓女外别树一帜……一日两次开演,不下十人,粉白成绿,体态妖娆,各炫所长,动人观听; 彼自命风流者,争先快睹,趋之如鹜,击节叹赏,互相传述。”
由于莲花落子乡土气息浓厚,唱词通俗易懂,深受天津所谓 “打八岔”下层观众的欢迎。但统治当局却视其“大伤风化” ,在天津不能登大雅之堂,只能作“撂地” 、“跑棚”演出。甚而遭到禁止,不得不改名为太平歌词。如诗云:“盈盈娇小女弹词,别有风流绝世姿,一事令人惆怅甚,下场容易上场迟; 茶寮酒肆额纷题,逐队呼朋东复西,知否严闺灯影下,娇儿和泪伴娇妻。” 由于莲花落有广大的市民阶级基础,在天津发展很快。光绪二十七年(1901),天津当局颁发禁令,将赵家班等9个莲花落班社逐出天津。7年后,落子演员再度入津,又逢光绪、慈禧两次 “国丧” ,禁止演出,再次被逐出天津。
评剧的兴盛,使当时天津建有专门为评剧演出的落子馆。如华乐落子馆,位于南市荣业大街,建于1915年,原名宾乐书场; 1919年改名落子馆,后改名聚华剧院; 1965年,改为劳动剧场。权乐落子馆,位于南市永安大街,建于1916年; 曾名权乐茶园、权乐坤书馆、聚通戏院、权乐戏院; 1954年,改名权乐影剧院; 1981年,改名长虹曲艺厅。同庆落子馆,位于东南角闸口街东口,原名同庆茶园; 后改名同庆坤书馆,是天津“七大坤书馆”之一; 后改名国光影剧院。群英乐子落,位于南市东兴大街,建于1920年,李金顺最早在此演出;解放后改为群英戏院。庆云落子馆,位于南市慎益大街,原名庆云茶园,也是天津“七大坤书馆”之一; 1916年改为乐子馆,后又改名庆云戏院、庆云影剧院、共和戏院、南市剧场。
在评剧唱红的基础上,成兆才等又创造了《杨三姐告状》等一些新剧,使评剧成为一时的热门戏; 加上李金顺、花莲航等一批女评剧艺人的登上舞台,使评剧与京剧、梆子,成三足鼎立之势。


Operas reached to climax in Tianjin because of theappearance of modern theatres. In ancient China,it wassaid that "a hundred types of operas were performedtogether". In 1920s and 1930s,various types of operaswere performed in Tianjin,which absorbed each otherand created new kinds with innovated skills.
Ping Opera was a new kind of opera created fromTianjin opera stage. Ping Opera`s former style was LotusLaozi,songs of beggars popular among Tangshan`speasants for self-entertainment,which was popularduring the Emperor Guangxu`s reign. Zhang Tao`sTianjin Miscellanea in 1884 described that "Lotus Laoziin north China just like the drum opera in south Chinaare performed by young women,different from theperformance by street girls. It performed twice a day byat least ten girls with slim figures in beautiful clothes.Those who claimed themselves romantic hurried towatch the performance and admired the actresses."
Lotus Laozi was easy to understand and popularamong the grassroots,but the government thought itwas not elegant and even forebodes it. Lotus Laozi hadto be performed on the streets or in the sheds. A poemdescribed that "Beautiful girls performed Lotus Laoziwith charm and romance. It is a pity that somethinghinders them from entering on the stage,although theyare popular in tea houses and restaurants. Who knowsthat baby and young wife are crying late at night?"Since Lotus Laozi was popular among townspeople,it developed quickly in Tianjin. In 1901,Tianjingovernment issued a notice and expelled 9 Lotus Laoziteams including Zhao`s Team out of Tianjin. Seven yearslater,the performers entered Tianjin again. Unfortunately,Guanxu and Cixi died. They were forced out of Tianjinagain. But the demand of the people for culture couldnever be controlled. To save Lotus Laozi,Chen Zhaocai,Yu Junsheng and other performers reformed it in tone,action,music and stories which became a new opera-Ping Opera.
In 1915,Chen Zhaocai and his colleagues passedthe government`s censorship by the name of "Ping ToneBangzi of Qingchun" and entered Tianjin the third time.They performed at Yanyue Tea House in Ping`an Streetof Nanshi,which caused a sensation among the audiencein Tianjin. Even Mei Lanfang,the master of PekingOpera,went to watch Dushi Lady played by Yuemingzhuduring his performance in Tianjin.
The popularity of Ping Opera in Tianjin,mademore Laozi House built for Ping Opera. Huayue LaoziHouse,located in Rongye Street of Nanshi,was builtin 1915. Its original name was Binyue Story-tellingHall. It changed name to Laozi House in 1919 and thenJuhua Theater.In 1965,it was called Labor Theater.Quanyue Laozi House,located in Yong`an Street,wasbuilt in 1916. It previous names were Quanyue TeaHouse,Quanyue Story-telling Hall,Jutong Theater andQuanyue Theater. It was called Quanyue Cinema in1954 and Changhong Folk Arts Hall. Tongqing LaoziHouse,located in Zhakou Street of Dongnanjiao,wasonce called Tongqing Tea House. Later it changed nameto Tongqing Story-telling Hall,which was one of thetop seven of its kind in Tianjin. It once used the nameof Guoguang Cinema. Qunying Lezilao,located inDongxing Street of Nanshi,was built in 1920. Li Jinshunonce performed here. After the liberation,it changedname to Qunying Theater. Qingyun Laozi house,locatedin Shenyi Street of Nanshi,was once named QingyunTea House as one of the top seven story-telling halls. In1916,it changed to a Laozi house. It changed name toQingyu Theater,Qingyu Cinema,Gonghe Theater,andNanshi Theater.
With the success of Ping Opera,Cheng Zhaocaicreated new operas of "Sister Yang`s Lawsuit",etc. Therewere Li Jinshun,Hua Lianhang and other actresses whoentered on the stage. Ping Opera,Peking Opera andBangzi became the three best operas in Tianjin.






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