诗文 | 日军在天津制造的惨案 |
释义 | 日军在天津制造的惨案1937年7月7日之前,日本在天津设立租界,在海光寺建立兵营,作为侵略华北乃至中国的桥头堡。七七事变后的第五天,日军向天津大量增兵,并开始攻占天津。 日本侵略军动用飞机、大炮,对市区的火车站、市政府、警察局、造币厂、法院、电台等等,进行狂轰乱炸。津门上空烟云蔽日,海河两岸尸骨累累。据不完全统计,七七事变后20多天,被毁房屋2545间,中小学校的3座楼房和377间校舍被日军强占,受损企业53家、2000多万元,无家可归者10万多人。 日本侵略军用飞机、大炮轰击南开大学,南开大学的图书馆、教授宿舍、课堂大厦被焚毁。 1937年7月30日天津沦陷后,日本侵略者在市内和郊县实行烧、杀、抢 “三光政策” ,制造了很多惨案。在东站坚持抗占的46位铁路职工,惨遭日军杀害。8月5日,日军攻占静海县府君庙村后,37人死在日军刺刀之下。8月8日,日军冲入静海县五美城村,不足40户的小村,有43人惨遭杀害。10月25日,日军突然包围了崔黄口镇,128名群众被枪杀。 截至1938年1月15日以前的两个月内,日军在东沽杀害我同胞3000多人。1938年5月7日,日军在静海县王口镇,将108名村民,屠杀在镇西大坑和镇北官道上。8月25日,日军到上仓一带扫荡,374人被屠杀,鲜血染红了河水。 1941年1月16日,日伪军到蓟县盘山花峪村扫荡,将全村民房全部烧毁; 未跑脱的48名村民全部被杀害。 6月14日,驻马兰峪的日军包围了蓟县抗日堡垒村东水厂,逼迫村民交出八路军伤员和所藏军火,2人被杀害,并架起机枪,企图把全村人杀光。 联合村是革命据点。7年间日伪军在这里烧杀多次,有73人被害。 1942年9月24日,日伪军到蓟县吴家洼村清乡,把该村办事员张文一家6口,推进土坑活埋。 1944年11月22日,日伪军到宝坻县四里港村和赵家铺村清剿,将12名村民用刺刀挑死。 日本侵略者还在中国大量抓捕劳工,分批装船运往日本充当苦役。七七事变至1942年7月,天津被抓劳工5万人; 1942年7月一个月,从天津运往日本各地劳工70万人。 日军并残酷地杀害爱国知识分子。耀华中学校长、爱国教育家赵君达,不愿当亡国奴,1938年6月27日,在去学校的途中,被日本特务枪杀,时年52岁。 日本侵略者对天津人民犯下的罪行,馨竹难书! 历史决不会忘记! ·塘沽万人坑纪念碑 Before July 7th,1937,the Japanese settlement wasalready established in Tianjin and barracks were alsoset up at Hai Guangsi,both of which served as thebridgeheads to invade north China and even the wholecountry. Five days after the July 7 incident of 1937,Japanese reinforced its troop and attacked Tianjin. Japanese invaders destructively bombed the railwaystation,municipality,and police station,mint,courtand broadcasting station. Mist and clouds hang overthe city; corpses were littered on both banks of HaiRiver. According to incomplete statistics,during the20 days after the July 7 incident of 1937,2545 houseswere demolished; 3 teaching buildings and 377 dormsin primary schools and high schools were occupied byJapanese army,and 53 enterprises suffered destructionand the heavy losses that totaled over 20million yuan;100,000 people were left homeless. Nankai University was also bombed by Japaneseinvaders,where the library,professor dorms and classbuildings were burned down. On July 30th,1937,after the Japanese occupationof Tianjin,the invaders pursued the policy of "burn all,kill all,and loot all" in the city downtown and the county.At Dong Railway Station,46 platelayers who insistedon fighting were killed. On August 5th,the invadersoccupied Fu Junmiao village in Jing Hai County andkilled 37 people. On August 8th,Wu Meicheng village,Jing Hai County,was attacked by Japanese army. In thisvillage where less than 40 households lived,43 peoplewere murdered. On October 25th,the enemy surroundedCui Huangkou County and killed 128 villagers. It was estimated that by the end of January 15th,1938,the Japanese army had killed over 3000 Chinesein Dong Gu within 2 months. On May 7th,the invadersslaughtered 108 villagers in Wang Kou village,Jing HaiCounty. And on August 25th,Japanese army mopped upat Shang Cang where 374 people were murdered. On January 16th,1941,puppet army of Japanesemopped up Hua Yu village,Pan Mt.,Ji County. All thehouses burned down,and 48 villagers unable to escapewere slaughtered. On June 14th,the enemy stationed at Ma LanyuMt. surrounded Dong Shuichang,a village of anti-Japanese war settlement in Ji county,forced the villagersto surrender the wounded soldiers of Eight Route Armyand to hand over the weapons. The Japanese army evenmounted machine guns to slaughter villagers. The Unitedvillage,a revolutionary base,was repeatedly invaded byJapanese army in 7 years during which 73 were killed. On September 24th,1942,at Qing village,WuJiawa town,Ji County,the puppet army of Japaneseburied Zhang Wen,the village clerk,alive,together withhis 5 family members. On November 22nd,1944,puppet army ofJapanese,cleaned-out at Si Ligang village and ZhaoJiapu village in Bao Di County,and murdered 12 peoplewith bayonets. The invaders also caught lot of Chinese andshipped towards Japan for hard labors. From the July7 incident of 1937 to July,1942,over 50,000 Chinesewere captured in Tianjin. In 1942,700,000 people wereshipped to Japan for hard labors in July alone. Moreover,Japanese murdered patriotic intellectuals,like Zhao Junda,a patriotic educator,also the headmasterof Yao Hua High School,and he was shot dead at the ageof 52 by Japanese spy on his way to school on June 27th,1938. What the Japanese invaders committed haveinscribed both in the heart of Chinese people and thehistory. |
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