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单词 sum


1.summary,epitome,substance,result,upshot 总结,梗概,要旨,结果,要点。
△Mer.3.2.35: “Confessand love / Had been the very sum of my confession.”“爱”便是我所能招认的一切。
△Ado.1.1.153(146):“Thatis the sum of all.”全部事实是如此。(又译:事情就这样定了。)
△2H.IV.1.1.131:“The sum of all / Is that the King hath won,”总结一句话,国王得胜了。
△H.V.3.6.175(163):“The sum of all our answer is but this; / Wewould not seek a battle as we are (i.e. in our present condition);/ Nor,as we are,we say we willnot shun it.” (Nor …not: double negative)我的回答,总结起来就是这么一句话:以我现在的情况,我并不想寻求战斗;但
△R.III.2.4.46:“The sum of all I can I have disclosed.”凡我所知道的主要情况,我都讲了。
2. sum total,full amount,whole number or quantity总和,总额,总数,总量。
△Mer.3.2.158(157):“But thefull sum of me / Is sum of something;”(My sum totalamounts to just something,i.e. not much.)但是我的价值的总和实在不大。
△Rom.2.6.34:“I cannot sum upsum of half my wealth.”我无法算出我一半财富的总额。
△H.VIII.3.2.294(293): “Produce the grand sum ofhis sins.” 请把他的大量罪恶全部指出来。
sum of age: the whole of a man's life 人的整个一生,人一生的寿命。
△As.3.2.141(132): “his sum of age:”i.e.the whole of his life. 他整个 一生的寿命。
sum of more: additional amount多出的财产。
△As.2.1.48:“giving thy sum of more To that which hadtoo much.”把你的多出的财产送给那已经有得太多的人。


vt. compute,add up计算,合计。
△2H.IV.1.1.167: “And summed the account of chance before yousaid,/‘Let us make head.’”在你说“让我们把军队召集起来吧”之前,你已经把一切可能性的总账都合计过了。
sum up: calculate计算。
△Rom.2.6.34: “I cannotsum up sum of half my wealth.”我无法算出我一半财富的总额。


n. 总数,会计,和,算术题v.总结
◇ do sums做算数
in sum简而言之
raise the sum needed筹集所需的款项
sum total总数,总计
sum to共计
sum up总之,概括,总结
sum up the situation at a glance一眼看清楚情况
the sum of...要点(义)/the sum of things最高公共利益
to sum up总之
work at a small sum a week拿微薄工资的工作
‖ gross sum总额
guarantee sum保证金额
penal sum违约罚金
sum assured投保额
sum due on a bill到期票据金额,到期票额
sum formula求和公式
sum insured保额,保险金额
sum insured under an endowment assurance养老保险投保金额
sum in words大写金额
sum of credit贷方总额
sum of debit借方总额
sum of money货币金额
sum of products乘积和
sum of sets和集
sum of states状态和
sum owing应付金额
sum paid in已付金额
sum payable应付金额
sum rule加法定则
sum stated on a check支票额
sum total合计,总额
sum total of the principles plus interest本息共(合)计
sum total payment voucher汇总付款凭证
sum-up n. 总结
total sum总金额
summarist n.总结者,概括者
summarization n.摘要,概要
summarize v.概括,总结
summarize[ˈsʌməraiz]v. 总结
summarized evaluation总结性评价
summarized transfer voucher汇款转账凭证
summarized voucher汇总凭证
summarized voucher journal汇总凭单日记账
summarizing account汇总账户
summary balance sheet资产负债汇总表
summary book现金收支简表,简明现金账簿
summary indicator综合指数
summary budget预算汇总
summary cash book现金收支汇总记录簿
summary classification简要分类
summary conviction即席判决
summary court简易审判庭
summary dismissal突然解雇,实时解雇
summary document汇总凭证
summary entry汇总账项
summary execution草率处决,草率执行
Summary Guide on Civil Service Regulations 《公务员事务规例摘要》/ summary income tax return简易所得税申报书
summary indicator综合指数
summary in various languages多种文字提要
summary invoice汇总发票
summary judgment under Order…根据第…号命令的即决判决
summary lesson总结课
summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefit工资及福利费分配汇总表
summary of balance sheet changes资产负债变动汇总表
summary of cost of finished products制成品成本汇总表
summary of cost of goods sold销货成本汇总表
summary of daily cash balance现金余额日报表
summary of donations捐赠摘要
summary of earnings收益汇总表
summary offence即决罪行
summary of income and expenses收益费用汇总表
summary of labor cost人工成本汇总
summary of original document (voucher)原始凭证汇总表
summary of talks会谈纪
summary of transportation revenue运输收入汇总表
summary of vouchers记账凭证汇总表
summary of work作业纲要
summary receipt and payment abstract book汇总收支摘要簿
summary record摘要记录
summary reports综合报告
summary sheet记录表
summary statement of borrowings借款汇总表
summary statement of cash receipt and disbursement现金收支(汇)总表
summary statement of receipts and expenditures收支汇总表
summary statement of resources and obligations资产负债汇总表
summary statement of sales销货汇总表
summary statistic摘要统计量
summary table摘要表,一览表,汇总表
summary techniques摘要技术
summary trial即决审判
summary up法官对陪审团所作的总结指示
summary variable摘要变量
summaries of meetings会议综述
summate v. 求和
summated rating综合评量
summated scale综合尺度
summating method综合法
summation n.总和,和,合计,加法
summation convention求和缩写法
summated evaluation综合评价
summation formula求和公式
summation law叠加定律
summation process求和法
summative adj. summative assessment累积性评定
summative evaluation总结性评价
summative test总结性测验





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