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suddenlyad. 1.quickly,speedily,promptly,swiftly 迅速地,迅捷地,快。 △R.III.4.4.450 (449): “Bid him levy straight/ The greatest strength and power that he can make,And meet me suddenly at Salisbury.”叫他把他能集结的最大兵力和军队都立即征召起来,快到骚兹伯雷与我会合。 2. very soon,right away,at once,immediately 很快,立即,马上,立刻。 △ 1H.IV.1.3.295(294): “which will besuddenly,”这时机很快就要来到。 △1H.IV.3.3.5(4):“Well,I’ll repent,and that suddenly,”好,我要忏悔,而且要赶快。 △2H.VI.2.2.67:“And that’s not suddenlyto be performed,”这可不是立即可以实现的。 △3H.VI.4.2.4:“Speak suddenly,my lords,are we all friends?”请快说,二位大人,我们是不是朋友? △R.III. 4.2.18: “Iwish the bastards dead,/ And I would have it sudden-ly performed.”我希望这些私生子死掉,而且还要把这件事马上办到。 △L.L.L.2.1.110: “suddenly resolve me inmy suit”,对于我的请求,迅速给一个答复。 △Wiv.4.1.5:“Mistress Ford desires you to come suddenly. ”福德太太请你马上就去。 △As.2.2.19: “Do this suddenly;”马上去办这件事。 △As.2. 4. 101(100): “And buy it withyour gold right suddenly.”马上用你们的钱去把它买来。 △Ham.2.2.219(212):“I will leave him,and sudden-ly contrive the means of meeting between him and mydaughter.”我要离开他,立刻设法使我的女儿和他相会。 3. extempore,without preparation,without premedi-tation 即席地,无准备地,不假思索地。 △1H.VI.3.1.5:“Do it without invention,suddenly;”你就当场说出来,不要有什么预谋。 △2H.VI.2.1.128(127):“Sight may dis-tinguish of colours,but suddenly to nominate them all,it is impossible,”视力能够分辨出不同的颜色,但是刚能看见东西,一下子就把种种颜色都说出来却是不可能的。 △H.VIII.3.1.69(70):“But how to make ye suddenlyan answer / In such a point of weight,”但是要对这样一个重大的问题立即向你们作出回答。 |