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单词 extension
extension/ ɪk′sten⨜n/ n

(1) 伸展(出);延长;扩大 (act of extending or the condition of being extended) [U]: the~of holidays/of territory/of the powers of the government/of one's knowledge (influence) 假期的延长/领土的扩大/政府权力的扩大/知识(影响)的扩大;〖同〗 lengthening,increase; 〖反〗 shortening,decrease;

(2) 延长(扩大,增设)部分 (part that adds to the main part) [C]: build an~to a factory 为工厂增建一部分; the~of a house 房子增建的部分; a house with two~s 有两处附加部分的房子; add a two-room~to the house 为房子增加两个房间; The tool shed was built as an~of the house. 为房子增建了一间工具室。〖同〗 addition,enlargement,expansion;

(3) 延期,延长的日期(additional period of time granted) [C]:give sb an~on a loan 延长某人偿还贷款的期限; get an~of 10 days 得到 10 天的延期; get an~to complete a project 获准延期完成一项工程; apply for an~for (paying) the rent 请求缓付房租; 〖同〗delay,postponement;

(4) 电话分机(extra telephone connected to the main telephone system) [C]:have an~in every room 在每个房间都装一部分机; Ask for~135 when you telephone my office. 给我办公室打电话时转135分机。

←ex′tend v;

→ ex′tensional adj 外延的;ex′tensity n 广阔性;ex′tensive adj 广阔(大)的





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