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单词 面目全非

面目全非miàn mù quán fēi

be changed or distorted beyond recognition; be completely disfig ured;be quite out of character
❍ 照那样改动,~,就不是原来的《窦娥冤》 了。(田汉《关汉卿》53) If it’s changed the way he wants,it will be completely disfigured and no longer recognizable as the original Dou E.”/林语堂先生是佩服“费厄泼赖”的,但在杭州赏菊,遇见“口里含一枝苏俄香烟,手里夹一本什么斯基的译本”的青年,他就不能不“假作无精打采,愁眉不展,忧国忧家”(详见论语五十五期)的样子,~了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—130) Although Mr Lin Yutang admires “fair play,” when he was enjoying the chrysanthemums in Hangzhou and came across young people “with Soviet cigarettes in their mouths and translations of books by some -sky in their hands,” he had to “put on a listless and worried look,as if concerned for the fate of the country.”(See The Analects,No.55.)This was quite out of character.

面目全非miàn mù quán fēi

非:不是。样子完全不是以前那样了。形容变化很大。be changed or distorted beyond recognition, be comptetely disfigured, be not as it was before





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