strawn. 1. trifle 小事,琐事,琐碎东西。 △ Ham.4.4.25: “Twothousand souls and twenty thousand ducats Will notdebate the question of this straw.”两千条性命,两万块金币,也解决不了这个草芥问题。 △Ham. 4. 4. 55:“But great-ly to find quarrel in a straw / When honour’s at thestake.”但是在荣誉受到危害的关头,虽是一根稻草也要大争特争。(又译:苟荣誉所关,寸草必争。) △Ham.4.5.6:“Spurns enviously at straws.”愤怒地踢开一些小东西。(又译:打鸡骂狗。) 2. open shelter thatched with straw 草棚。 △Lr.3.2.69:“Where is this straw,my fellow?”草棚在哪里,朋友? straw[stɔ:]n.草帽,麦秆,稻草,吸管adj.淡黄色的,假的,无用的 ◇a straw微不足道的事物 clutch at a straws抓住救命稻草 the last straw使人不能忍受的最后一击 throw straws against the wind螳臂当车 ‖ straw bail空头担保 straw bond假证券 straw-roofed house茅屋 |