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stratagemn. 1.strategy,artifice 策略,巧计。 △H.V.4.8.114(108):“without stratagem,”没有用任何计谋。 2.(military term) device to effect surprise,trick to deceive the enemy (军事名词)奇袭之计,欺骗敌人的花招。 △ 2H.IV.2.4.21(19): “By the mass,here will be oldutis,it will be an excellent stratagem.”以弥撒为凭,这里要有好看的乐子了,这一计倒是很妙。 3. deceptive trick,scheme,plot 诡计,奸计,阴谋。 △Rom.3.5. 211 (209): “Alack,alack,that heavenshould practise stratagems”,i. e. play cruel tricks,usecunning schemes. 唉,唉,上天竟会使出这种毒计。 △ Mer.5.1.83: “The man that hath no music in himself,/Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,/ Isfit for treasons,stratagems,and spoils;”一个人,要是他内心没有音乐,听了美妙的和声也无动于衷,那么他就只适于做卖国、阴谋、掠夺的事。 4. deed of blood or violence,atrocity 流血事件,暴力行为,暴行。 △2H.IV.1.1.7: “Every minute now /Should be the father of some stratagem.”现在每一分钟都可能会产生流血事件。 △3H. VI. 2.5.89:“What strata-gems,how fell,how butcherly!”多么残酷、多么凶恶的杀人暴行! stratagem[ˈstrætidӠəm]n.策略,计谋,手腕 ‖ political stratagem政治手腕 |