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❶ (没有高低凹凸, 不顷斜) flat; level; even; smooth: 把纸铺 ~ smooth out the paper; 让病人躺 ~ help the patient to lie stretched out; 地板很 ~。 The floor is quite flat. 桌面不 ~。 The table is not level.
❷ (高度相同; 不相上下) on the same level; equal: 积雪与窗子相 ~。 The snow is even with the window. 那些孩子要与大人们 ~ 起 ~ 坐。 Those children want to be level with adults. 树梢和屋顶齐 ~。 The tree top is level with the roof.
❸ (平均; 公平) equal; fair; impartial: 持 ~ 之论 a fair argument; an unbiased view; ~ 分 divide equally
❹ (安定; 宁静) calm; peaceful; quiet: 心 ~ 气和 even-tempered and good-humoured; calm; 海上风 ~ 浪静。 The sea was calm.
❺ (经常的; 普通的) average; common: ~ 日 on ordinary days; 学习成绩 ~ ~ have average school results Ⅱ ❶ (使平) level; even: 把地 ~ 一 ~ level the ground; 农民们 ~ 了300英亩地。 The peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.
❷ (在比较时没有高低、先后) be on the same level; equal: ~ 世界纪录 equal a world record; 水已经 ~ 了河岸。 The water has been on the same level with the banks.
❸ (抑止怒气) pacify; assuage; calm down: ~ 民愤 assuage popular indignation; 为民 ~ 愤 redress the grievances of the people; 经他一解释, 老太太的气也就 ~ 了。 His explanation soothed the old woman's anger.
❹ (用武力镇压; 平定) put down; suppress: ~ 叛 put down a rebellion [revolt] Ⅲ ❶ {体} (平局) make the same score; tie; draw: 场上比分是7 ~。 The score is now seven all. 双方打成15 ~。 The two teams tied at 15-15. 这场足球最后踢 ~ 了。 The football game ended in a draw.
❷ {语} (古汉语四声之一: 平声) level tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 涛 Ping Tao
◆平安 safe and sound; without mishap; well; 平安康泰 peaceful and well-being; 平安无事 All is well.; on good terms; right as trivet; tranquillity and peace; 平白 for no reason; gratuitously; 平白无故 without any cause or reason; for no reason at all; groundless; 平板 dull and stereotyped; flat; monotonous; 平板车 platform trailer; flatcar; flatbed trailer; flatbed tricycle; flatbed truck; flatbed; 平版 {刷} lithographic plate; 平刨 planer; 平步青云 rapidly go up in the world; have a meteoric rise; 平槽 The water has been on the same level with the banks.; 平铲 grafter; 平产 be equal in output; have the same output; {中医} eutocia; normal delivery;
平常 ordinary; common; generally; usually; ordinarily; as a rule; 平车 flatcar; platform wagon [car]; 平尺 levelling ruler; 平畴 [书] level field; even field; 平川 level land; flat; open country; plain; 平床 level bed; 平淡 flat; uninteresting; dull; insipid; prosaic; pedestrian; 平淡无奇 appear trite and insignificant; insipid; common; nothing exciting; pedestrian; prosaic; very ordinary; 平等 equal; equality; 平等待人 treat others as equals; treat all on an equal footing; treat sb. like one's equal; 平等互利 (on a footing of) equality and mutual benefit; on an equal footing with mutual benefit; reciprocity based on equality; 平等相待 treat ... on an equal footing; 平底 flat base; flat keel; 平地 level the land; rake the land; rake the ground; rake the soil smooth; level ground; flat ground; flatland; flat; lawn; 平地春雷 a sudden clap of spring thunder — a sudden big change; an unexpected happy event; A peal of spring thunder roars over the horizon.; a sudden rise in fame and position; 平地而起 rise from the level ground; 平地风波 sudden wind and waves on the level ground — an unexpected occurrence; a bolt from the blue; a crisis out of nowhere; a sudden occurrence of calamity; a sudden storm on a calm sea; a sudden, unexpected turn of events; stir up trouble out of nothing; unexpected [unforeseen] trouble; 平地楼台 High buildings rise from the level ground — start from scratch.; 平地木 Japanese ardisia; ardisiae japonica; 平地一声雷 a sudden clap of thunder; a bolt from the blue; an unexpected happy event; a sudden big change, e.g. a sudden rise in fame and position; 平电 ordinary telegram; 平顶 flattop; flat; ceiling; 平定 calm down; pacify; quell; pacify; suppress; put down; 平硐 footrill; 平峒 {矿} adit; tunnel; 平凡 ordinary; common; undistingui ̄ shed; commonplace; 平反 redress; rehabilitate; 平反冤假错案 redress unrighted case, false case and mishandled case; 平反昭雪 redress fabricated cases and rehabilitate those who have been wronged; rehabilitate those who had been wrongfully accused; 平方 {数} square; square metre; 平方根 square root; 平方律 square-law; 平房 single-storey house; bungalow; one-storey house; 平分 divide equally; share and share alike; go halves; go fifty-fifty; bisection; communion;
平分秋色 go halves [shares] (with ... in a thing); divide equally (between the two); Each has a share.; have equal shares of honour, power, etc.; share [divide] on a fifty-fifty basis; 平幅 open width; full width; 平服 stabilize; be convinced; 平复 calm down; subside; be pacified; be cured; be healed; 平跟鞋 sock; 平拱 jack arch; 平光 zero diopter; plain glass; 平巷 {矿} drift; level; heading; stulm; driftway; entry; 平和 gentle; mild; moderate; placid; 平衡 balance; equilibrium; 平衡发展 balanced development; 平衡力 balance force; equilibrant; 平衡器 balancer; balance weight; back balance; {动} otocyst; 平衡式 balanced type; 平滑 level and smooth; smooth; 平滑肌 smooth muscle; 平话 a style of storytelling popular in the Song Dynasty (960-1279); popular stories; 平缓 gently; mild; placid; gentle; 平毁 demolish; raze; 平假名 hiragana;
平价 par; parity; fair [state] price; state-set price; state-fixed price; normal, rational price; the standard of a country's standard currency; the standard ratio of two countries' gold standard currency; 平价商店 norminal price shop; 平角 flat angle; straight angle; 平静 calm; quiet; tranquil; 平静如镜 a glassy calm; 平靖 suppress (or put down) a rebellion and cause the situation to become stable; (of social order) stable; 平局 draw; tie; 平均 average; mean; equally; share and share alike; {数} mean; mean value; average; 平均场 mean field; 平均利润 average profit; 平均律 {音} equal temperament; 平均值 average value; mean value; mean; 平均主义 equalitarianism; egalitarianism; 平列 place side by side; place on a par with each other; 平流 {海} advection; 平炉 {冶} open-hearth furnace; open hearth; Martin furnace; 平路机 blade machine; road scraper; grader; 平面 plane; two dimensions; flat surface; 平面波 plane wave; 平民 the populace; the common people; 平明 [书] daybreak; 平年 {天} common year; nonleap year; average year (in crop yield); 平平 average; mediocre; indifferent; 平铺直叙 tell in a simple, straightforward way; narrate factually and unimaginatively; plain and ungarnished; speak or write in a dull, flat style; 平棋 a draw in chess or other board games; 平起平坐 on an equal footing; sit as equals at the same table; treat sb. as an equal; 平球 flat ball; 平权 equal rights; 平人 [书] ordinary person; the common people; 平日 ordinary days (as distinguished from holidays, festivals, etc.); everyday; week day; 平绒 {纺} panne velvet; velvet; velveteen; 平射 flat fire; 平身 [旧] stand up after kowtowing; 平声 {语} level tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese, which has evolved into the high and level tone (阴平) and the rising tone (阳平) in modern standard pronunciation; 平生 all one's life; one's whole life; always; at all times; 平时 in normal times; at ordinary times; in peacetime; 平时不烧香, 临时抱佛脚 clasp Buddha's feet when in dire need, but refuse to burn incense when all is well; do nothing until the last minute; seek help at a crucial moment from whom one usually pays no attention to; 平实 simple and unadorned; natural; 平视 look at the front horizontally; 平手 draw; 平顺” smooth-going; plain sailing; 平素 in normal times; usually; 平台 terrace; {采矿} platform; 平坦 even; smooth; level; flat; 平头 closely cropped hair; crop; crew cut; 平妥 smooth and appropriate; 平纹 plain weave; 平稳 steady; smooth and steady; stable; 平芜 [书] open grassland; 平西 (of the sun) be setting; 平息 calm down;eady; smooth and steady; stable; 平芜 [书] open grassland; 平西 (of the sun) be setting; 平息 calm down; quiet down; subside; come to an end; put down (a rebellion, etc.); stamp out; suppress; 平息风波 pour oil on (the) troubled waters; pour oil on the waters; 平心而论 be honest; in all fairness; frankly; give the devil his due; 平心静气 keep calm; calmly; calmly and patiently; dispassionately; 平信 ordinary [surface] mail; 平行 of equal rank; on an equal footing; parallel; simultaneous; parallel; {数} parallel; 平行板 parallel-plate; 平行度 depth of parallelism; 平衍 [书] open and flat; 平野 open country; outside a city; champagne; 平一 [书] suppress (a rebellion) and unify; 平移 translation; 平易 unassuming; amiable; (of a piece of writing) easy; plain; 平易近人 amiable and easy of approach; be simple and easy to approach; (as) common as an old shoe; easily approachable; easy to get along with; 平庸 mediocre; indifferent; commonplace; ordinary; 平鱼 slivery pomfret; butterfish; 平原 plain; flatlands; flat country; champagne; [丹] slette; dol; blair; 平月 February of a non-leap year; 平允 [书] fair and just; equitable; 平仄 level and oblique tones; tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetry; 平展 ( of land, etc.) open and flat; setting-out; 平针织物 jersey; 平整 level; neat; smooth; flattening; levelling; pinch pass rolling; 平正 even and straight; 平直 straightness; 平装 paperback; paper-cover; paper ̄ bound; 平足 {医} tarsoptosis; flatfoot; 平座 flat seat

❶level; even
❷pacify; assuage; calm down
❸tie; draw(体育)
打成~局end in a draw (or tie);tie(with one’s competitor)/扳成~局equalize the score/两次~局two draws /~局draw;tie/~纪录tie a record; match a record/~民愤assuage the people’s anger


calm; balanced;mild; normal





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