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单词 strange


1. foreign. alien 外国的,异邦的。
△ As.4.1.35(33):“look you lisp and wear strange suits;”你必须说起话来带上外国口音,穿些奇装异服。
△L.L.L. 4.2.136(130):“oneof the strange queen’s lords”,那位外国女王手下的一位贵人。
△Rom.2.4.35 (32): “these strange flies.”i. e.foreign nuisances; parasites of foreign fashions.这些讨厌的苍蝇;这些外国时髦的寄生虫。
△2H.IV.4.4.68:“ThePrince but studies his companions / Like a strangetongue,”太子不过是要研究他那些同伴们,就像是研究一门外国语。
△H.VIII. 3.1.44 (45): “A strange tongue makesmy cause more strange,suspicious;” i.e. To speak ofmy cause in a foreign tongue makes it sound morestrange and even suspicious to English ears. 身在英国而说外国话,就会使得我的案子更显得奇怪而可疑了。
2. new,fresh,new and strange,rare 新的,新鲜的,新奇的,希罕的。
△Mac. 1.3.144:“New honours come uponhim,/ Like our strange garments,” newclothes. 新的尊荣加在他的头上,就像我们穿新衣。
△L.L.L.4.3.377 (374): “We will with some strange pastime solace them,”我们要用一些新奇的娱乐安慰她们。
△L.L.L.5.1.6:“Strange without heresy”.新奇而不离乎正道。3. odd,singular,queer,unnatural古怪的,奇特的,奇怪的,不合情理的。
△Shr.1.1.85: “Signior Baptista,willyou be so strange?”巴普蒂斯塔先生,你怎么这样不近人情?
△Mer.4.1.20: “Thou'lt show thy mercy and re-morse more strange / Than is thy strange apparentcruelty;”随后你必会显出你的仁慈和恻隐,比你现在这种奇特的表面上的残酷更加出人意料。
△As.2.7.149: “Then asoldier,/ Full of strange oaths.”然后是一个军人,满嘴的古怪的咒誓。
strange places: ❶queer nooks,out-of-the-way corners奇特的角落。
❷strange topics or subjects of dis course奇特的谈话题目。
△As.2.7.38:“and in his brain he hath strange places crammed / With observation.”i.e. he has crammed his brain,by observation,with strange topics of discourse. 在他的脑筋里,靠着他的观察,塞满了奇闻逸事。
4. out of common,unusual,extraordinary,surprising不平常的,不寻常的,异常的,惊人的。
△Ham.1.5.28: “But this most foul,strange,and unnatural.”但是这次谋杀最恶毒,最不寻常,最伤天害理。
△Lr.3.3.20(19):“There is strange things toward.”异常的事情就要发生了。
△Oth.2.3.247(245): “some strange indignity”,某种不寻常的侮辱。
△Oth.3.4.131(132):“He went hence but now. / And certainly in strange unquietness.”他刚从这里走开,的确显得烦躁异常。
△L.L.L.5.2.211(210):“Thou bid'st me beg: this begging is not strange.”是你叫我请求的;这请求不算过分。
5. unfamiliar,unknown陌生的,未知的。
△Mac.3.4.112(111):“You make me strange / Even to the disposition that I owe.”你们真使我对于我自己的本性也感到奇怪了。
6. like a stranger,unacquainted,distant,estranged, aloof,reserved像陌生人一样的,不相识的,疏远的,生分的,冷淡的,有保留的。
△Com.2.2.114(110): “look strange and frown.”装作不认识我,还皱着眉头。
△Mer.1.1.67:“You grow exceeding strange.”(多日不见)你们近来跟我十分疏远了。
△Tw.2.5.187(170): “I will be strange.”我以后要冷冷淡淡的。
△Tw.5.1.222(212): “You throw a strange regard upon me.” 你用那样冷淡的眼光看着我
△Rom.2.2.100:“I'll prove more true / Than those that have more cunning to be strange.” i.e. those who have greater skill in pretending to be distant and reserved. 我会证明我比那些假装冷淡的人更为真诚。
△Rom.2.2.102:“I should have been more strange. I must confess.”我必须承认,我应该更加冷淡一点。
7. reserved,unfamiliar,diffident. shy有保留的,生疏的,胆怯的,羞怯的。
△Rom.3.2.15:“till strange love grow bold.”等到这份羞怯的爱情(在黑夜中)变得胆大起来。
8. reluctant,unwilling勉强的,不情愿的。
△2H.IV.1.1.94:“I see a strange confession in thine eye.”我从你的眼神里看出一种勉强的供认。
9. barbarous野蛮的。
△2H.VI.3.1.121:“In your protectorship you did devise / Strange tortures for of fenders,never heard of,/ That England was defamed by tyranny.”在你担任摄政大臣期间,你想出了许多野蛮的酷刑来处罚犯人,以致使得英国成了以暴政而声名狼藉的国家。
10. cruel and illegal残酷而非法的。
△2H.VI.3.1.59:“Devise strange deaths for small offences done?”设计出种种酷刑把犯了小罪的人处死吗?


◇strange to relate说来奇怪
strange to sth.对某事物感到陌生
‖Strange Tales from a Scholar’s Studio 《聊斋志异》 strangeness n.stranger n.新人,陌生人





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