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单词 skip
释义 词性词形谱(v)skip(n)skipper(a)skipping skippy(ad)skippingly
skip 选择性必修1000 全国卷频次:2 教材出处:译林版必修B1U4
v. skips 0 skipping 0 skipped 1


【Skipping】 the recovery phase of a workout isn't proven to be harmful to your body, but Mammarelli warms that without cooling down, the body will take longer to return back to the low - intensity level activity level you began your workout with.锻炼后的恢复阶段并没有被证明对你的身体有害,但Mammarelli警告说,如果没有冷却,身体将需要更长的时间来恢复到你开始锻炼时的低强度活动水平。(2020年上海卷完形填空)You offset (抵消) little of that money right away because you do not have to pay for gas, but the biggest benefit is the time saved by 【skipping】 the trip.因为你不必支付汽油费,所以你马上就能抵消(抵消)这部分钱,但最大的好处是【跳过】旅行而节省的时间。(2021年上海卷语法与词汇B节)One of my colleagues acknowledged skipping Jane Eyre.我的一位同事承认跳过了简爱。However, don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows training.但是,不要错误地跳过训练后的复习阶段。I know lots of women who skip breakfast, and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it.我认识很多不吃早餐的女性,她们有很多不同的借口。Skip the coffee line on the way to work and make something that is better-tasting and much better for your wallet.跳过上班路上的咖啡线,做一些味道更好、对您的钱包更好的早餐。




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