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单词 expose
expose/ ɪk′spǝ ʊz, AmE -′spoʊz/ vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,d/-d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1) (使)曝(暴,显)露 (uncover;leave unprotected from (weatherdangeretc)) [T+nT+n+prep (to)]:~a card/one's face in public 亮牌/在公共场合露面;The floods washed away the soil and~d the rocks beneath. 洪水冲走了泥土,使下面的石头露了出来。New fashions are~ing more and more of the body. 新潮时装使身体暴露的部位越来越多。~one's back to the sun/one's children to dangers 将后背暴露在阳光下/使自己的孩子处于危险中;~oneself to criticism/to ridicule/to sb's influence (使自己)招致批评/受到嘲笑/受某人的影响; be~d to direct sunlight/to the enemy's gunfire/to all kinds of weather 直接暴露在阳光下/暴露在敌人的火力之下/经受风吹雨打; a house which~s to the north 正(北)房; 〖同〗 subject,submit,risk,bare,show,display,exhibit; 〖反〗 hide,conceal;

(2) 揭露(发,示);透露 (reveal (the guilt or misleads of make (the truth) known) [T+nT+n+prep (to)]:~a scandal/a thief (to the police)/the ignorance/sb as a liar 揭露丑闻/(向警察)揭发小偷/透露出无知/揭露某人是骗子;threaten to~sb or sth 威胁要揭发(露)某人或某事;~a (the) plot to assassinate the king 揭露企图刺杀国王的阴谋; be~d without reserve 被毫无保留地揭发;〖同〗disclose,reveal,uncover; 〖反〗 conceal;

(3) (使)曝光 (allow light to act on (a camera film)) [T+nT+n+prep(to)]: The film has been~d. 胶卷被曝了光。

→ ex′posable adj 可以揭露的;ex′posed adj 暴露的;ex′posure n 暴露,曝光





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