弯(彎)wānⅠ (弯曲) curved; bent; crooked; flexuous; tortuous: ~ ~ 的月牙儿 a crescent moon; ~ ~ 曲曲的河 a meandering river; 树枝都被厚雪压 ~ 了。 The branches are weighed down by a heavy layer of snow. Ⅱ ❶ (使弯曲) curved; bend; flex: ~ 着身子 bend down; ~ 腰拾起斧头 bend down to pick up an axe ❷ [书] (拉弓) draw; bend: ~ 弓 bend a bow Ⅲ (弯子) turn; curve; bend: 道路的急转 ~ a sharp curve in the road; 拐 ~ 儿 go round curves; turn a corner Ⅳ (用于弯状物): 一 ~ 新月 a crescent moon ◆弯板机 squeezer; plate bending machine; {工} press brake; 弯棒机 rod bending machine; 弯边 crimp; 弯车道 sweep; 弯齿耙 curve-tined harrow; 弯刀 machete; kampilan; campilan tulwar; tulwaur; bent blade; 弯刀刃冰鞋 rocker; 弯道 {体} bend; curve; 弯度 bending; camber; 弯拱 {建} camber arch; 弯管 siphonium; bend; elbow; angle branch; winding pipe; 弯号 krummhorn; 弯剪 curved scissors; 弯脚规 spreading caliper; 弯脚卡钳 compass cal(l)iper; 弯脚圆规 caliber compasses; 弯结 kinking; 弯结带 kinkband; 弯孔钻机 inclined drill; 弯梁 camber beam; 弯路 winding course; crooked road; tortuous path; roundabout way [course]; detour; 弯钳 curved forceps; 弯墙壁(楼梯) sweep; 弯切刀 skiver; 弯曲 winding; meandering; zigzag; crooked; curved; crankle; flexuous; bending; 弯纱 kinking; 弯头 angle head; {机} elbow; elbow pipe; ell; knee bend; bend; 弯腿 rhaeboscelia; rheboscelia; knee; 弯弯曲曲 in twists and turns; having many bends and curves; 弯月面 {物} meniscus; 弯褶曲 flexure fold; 弯褶皱 buckling fold; 弯针 looper; 弯皱 cockle (衣服的); 弯子 bend; turn; curve; 弯嘴钳 angle jaw tongs; 弯嘴旋塞 bibcock |