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单词 export
export/ ɪk′spɔ:t, AmE -′spɔ:rt/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n/′ekspɔ:t, AmE ′-spɔ:rt/

v (1) 出口,输出 (send (goodsetc) to another country for the purpose of trade or sale) [IT+n]:~to many foreign countries 向很多国家出口; China~s to many lands. 中国向许多地区出口。~cars (all over the world) (向全世界)出口汽车;~bananas to Britain 向英国出口香蕉; We have~ed a lot of goods but we must~more yet. 我们已经出口了许多商品,但应该出口更多(的商品)。

(2) 输出(思想,方法,制度等) (allowsend (ideasmethodssystemetc) to be used or developed abroad) [T+n]:~revolution to the rest of the world 向世界其他地区输出革命;

n (1) 输出,出口 (act or process of sending goods abroad for trade) [U]:the~of raw materials/of capital/of whiskey (to France) 原材料出口/资本输出/(向法国) 出口威士忌;be engaged in~从事出口; The best fruit is kept for~. 最好的水果用于出口。~trade/tax (duty)/license 出口贸易/出口税/出口许可证;

(2) 输出品,某类出口商品 (articlegoods sent abroad for the purpose of trade) [C,通常pl]:an important~重要的出口商品; one of the major (chief)~s 主要出口商品之一; an excess of~s 出超;

→ ex′portable adj 可输出的;͵expor′tation n 出口; ex′porter n 出口商





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