释义 |
stayn. support,prop 支撑,支柱。 △1H.VI.2.5.13:“Yet are these feet,whose strengthless stay is numb,“还有这一双脚,它们那无力的支撑已经麻痹了。 △2H.VI.2.3.23: “Henry will to himself / Protector be,and Godshall be my hope,/ My stay,my guide,and lantern tomy feet.”亨利只有自己做自己的护国公,而让上帝做我的希望、我的支柱、我的向导和我脚下的明灯。 △ 3H.VI.2.1.68:“Sweet Duke of York,our prop to lean upon,/ Nowthou art gone,we have no staff,no stay.”亲爱的约克公爵,我们所依靠的支柱,你现在 一去,我们就失去了支撑、失去了靠山。 △R.III. 2. 2. 74:“What stay had I but Edward?And he’s gone.”除了爱德华我还有什么依靠? 而他已去世了。
stayvt. 1. hold,prop,support,prevent from falling 抓住,支撑,支持。 △R.III.1.4.18:“Methought that Gloucesterstumbled,and in falling / Struck me,that thought tostay him,overboard,”葛罗斯特仿佛 一失足,我想去抓住他,但他在跌倒时打了我 一下,把我打下船去。 2. help to stand upright,steady,prevent from falling帮助站直,使坚定,阻止…跌倒。 △R.III. 3. 7. 95(96):“Twoprops of virtue for a Christian Prince,/ To stay himfrom the fall of vanity;”一位信奉基督的君主的两根贤德的支柱,可以帮助他坚定起来,不致因虚荣而堕落。 3. restrain,make to stay,keep (in) 限制,使停留,使留(在内)。 △H. VIII.1.1.4:“An untimely ague / Stayed mea prisoner in my chamber”,一场不合时宜的疟疾使我像囚犯一样困居在自己的房间里。 4. restrain,hold back,keep back 限制,扣住,扣下。 △2H.VI.3.1.105:“And,being Protector,stayed thesoldiers’ pay;”你作为摄政王,扣住士兵的饷银。 5. keep 抑制。 △Shr. Ind.1.134:“stay themselvesfrom laughter,”努力禁住不笑。 6. suffer to remain,keep here 让留下,把…留 下来。 △ As.1.3.70 (67): “Ay,Celia,we stayed her foryour sake.”唉,西莉娅,我只是为了你才让她留下来。 7. detain 拘留。 △Rom.5. 3.187:“Stay the friar too.”把这个修道士也扣起来。 △Shr. 4.2.83: “Your ships arestaved at Venice”,你们的船只被扣留在威尼斯。 △As.1.1.8:“stays me here at home unkept;”把我关在家里,不管不顾。 8. hinder,prevent 阻止,制止。 △Mer.3.2.24: “Tostay you from election.”不放你马上就去挑选。 △ Ham.4.5.135(137): “Who shall stay you?”谁又想阻止你呢? △Rom.5.2.12: “So that my speed to Mantua therewas stayed.”因此我的曼陀之行便受阻了。 △2H.IV.4.1.123(121): “Then,then,when there was nothing could(i.e. that could) have stayed /My father from the breast of Bolingbroke,”那时,那时,什么都拦不住我的父亲一枪刺中波林布洛克的胸膛。 9. hold back,stop拦住,使停下。 △Ado.3.3.80(75):“If you meet the Prince in the night,you may stay him.”如果你在夜间遇见亲王,也可以叫他站住。 △Ado.4.1.288(283):“You have stayed me in a happy hour(i.e. at just the right moment,opportunely),”你拦住我说话,正是时候。 △As.1.1.141(132):“either you might stay him from his intendment,”您或者劝阻他打断他的念头。 △2H.IV.4.3.78(72):“Retreat is made and execution stayed.”已经命令收兵,停止追杀。 △1H.VI.1.5.2: “Our English troops retire,I cannot stay them;”我们英国的军队退下来,我阻止不了他们。 △2H.VI.3.2.136:“O Thou that judgest all things(i.e. God),stay my thoughts,/My thoughts that labour to persuade my soul / Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey's life!”啊,裁判万事的主啊,请阻止我的思想吧,我这些思想竭力使自己内心相信有什么强暴的手害了亨弗雷的性命! △1H.VI.1.2.104:“Stay,stay thy hands!”停,住手! 10. put an end to结束。 △3H.VI.2.5.95:“O that my death would stay these ruthful deeds!”啊,但愿我能一死以结束这些可悲的行为! 11. stop,bring to a standstill 使停止,使停止活动。 △Rom.2.3.26: “Being tasted,stays all senses with the heart.” i.e.brings the heart to a standstill,and with it all the senses. 口尝一下,便能麻痹人的心脏五官。 12. keep waiting使等待,耽搁。 △Shr.4.4.30:“to stay him not too long”,不致把他的事耽搁得太久。 13. delay耽搁,延迟。 △Rom.5.3.250: “But he which bore my letter,Friar John,/ Was stayed by accident,”但是为我送信的,约翰长老,因为意外的事被耽搁了。 △H.VIII.3.2.33: “To stay the judgement o’ the divorce:” i.e. To delay the proceedings of the divorce.对于这个离婚案推迟判决。 14. await,wait for等待,等候。 △Mid.5.1.261(255):“we must stay the time.”我们还得耐心等着。 △L.L.L.2.1.191(193):“stay thanksgiving”,i.e. wait for giving you thanks. 待在这儿向你表示道谢。 △L.L.L.4.2.149(142):“Stay not thy compliment,” i.e.do not take time for a polite leave-taking. 不必多礼。 △Shr.3.2.220(217):“ he shall stay my leisure.” 他得听我的。 △Shr.4.3.59: “stays thy leisure”,i.e.awaits yourpleasure. 听候你的吩咐。 △As.3.2. 222(210): “Let mestay the growth of his beard,if thou delay me not theknowledge of his chin.”要是你告诉我他的下巴是怎么一个样子(意即:他是怎么样的一个人),我愿等着他的胡子慢慢地长。 △ Rom.2.5.36: “and I'll stay the circumstance.”i.e.I'll wait for the details. 然后我再等着听详细情节。 △Rom.4.5.150(145): “Come,we'll in here,tarryfor the mourners,and stay dinner.”来,我们进去,为吊丧的人再待一会儿,等着再吃他一顿饭。 △Ham.5.2.24:“No, not to stay the grinding of the axe,/ My head should be struck off.”务必不用等斧头再磨快一点,就把我立即斩首。 △2H.IV.1.1.48:“Staying no longer question.”不再等着跟我谈话。 15. stand,abide,undergo经受,容忍,遭受。 △Rom.1.1.218 (212): “She will not stay the siege of loving terms.”她不受甜言蜜语的包围。 16.❶wait for等待。 △ Gent. 2. 2. 13: “My father stays my coming.”我的父亲在等着我来呢。 ❷detain使停留。 △Gent.2.2.15:“That tide will stay me longerthan I should.”那泪潮会使我在此停留过久。(按:stay一词在上下文中双关。) ~ vi. 1.stand,stand still站,站住不动。 △H.VIII.2.1.53:“Stay there,sir,/ And see the noble ruined man youspeak of.”站在那儿,先生,请看你所说的那位高贵的、被暗害的人吧。 △Oth. 2. 1. 152: “She that being angered,herrevenge being nigh,/ Bade her wrong stay,and herdispleasure fly;”她受了气恼,报复也很容易,却有仇不报,自己先打消了委屈。 2. stop,cease 停下来,停止。 △Rom.4.3.58 (57):“Stay,Tybalt,stay!”站住,悌暴,站住! △H.V.3.2.3:“Pray thee,corporal,stay.”班长,请你停一停。(按:cor-poral应为lieutenant,因巴道夫是中尉。) △1H.VI.3.1.103:“Stay,stay,I say!”停,停,我说! △3H.VI.4.3.27:“Stay,or thou diest!”停下,不然就叫你死! 3. stop,end停止,结束。 △2H.VI.2.4.77(76): “And'tplease your Grace,here my commission stays;”启禀殿下,我的任务就到此结束。 4. tarry,delay逗留,耽搁。 △Rom.5.3.158:“Stay notto question,”不要耽误时间盘问我。 △2H.VI.3.1.94:“Pardon,my liege,that I have stayed so long.”请宽恕吧,我的主上,我耽搁得太久了。 △2H.VI.3.1.297:“I rath-er would have lost my life betimes / Than bring a bur-den of dishonour home / By staying there so long tillall were lost.”我倒宁愿英年丧命,也不愿泡在那里那么久,等到一切全完了,再把耻辱的重担带回国内。 △3H.VI.3.3.40:“The more we stay the stronger grows our foe.”我们愈迟延,我们的敌人就变得愈强大。 △3H.VI.3.3.251:“Why stay we now?”我们为什么还要迟延? △3H.VI.4.5 .24: “But wherefore stay we? 'Tis no time to talk.”但我们为什么要迟延? 这不是谈话的时候。 5. rest or dwell lovingly,linger深情地停留,逗留,徘徊 △Tw.2.4.23: “My life upon't,young though thouart,thine eye / Hath stayed upon some favour that itloves.”i.e. has rested lovingly on some face that itloves. 我拿性命打赌,你虽然年轻,你的眼睛曾经在你所爱的人脸上流连过。 6. wait等待。 △L.L.L.5.2.843(835):“I'll stay withpatience,but the time is long.”我要耐心等待,但这时间太长。 △Shr.5.1.97(95): “Stay,officer.”差官,且慢。 △L.L.L.4.3.77(75):“Company! Stay.”有人来了! 且慢。 △Wiv.1.1.213 (206): “Come,coz; come. coz;we stay for you.”来,外甥;来,外甥;我们等着你呢。 △Wiv.3.1.94(92): “stay for him”. 等候着他。 △Mid.1.1.168: “There will I stay for thee.” 我将在那里等你。 △Rom.1.3.105(103): “Juliet,the County stays.”朱丽叶,伯爵在等着。 △Rom.2.4.201(187): “And stay,good nurse”. 等一等,好奶妈。 △Rom.2.5.20: “Peter,stay at the gate.”彼得,到门口去等着。 △Rom.2.5.29:“Jesu,what haste?Can you not stay awhile?” 耶稣,忙什么? 你不能等一下吗? △Rom.3.1.132(126): “forMercutio's soul / Is but a little way above our heads,/Staying for thine to keep him company.”因为墨故求的灵魂还在我们头上不远,正等着你去陪伴他。 △Rom. 3. 3. 74(75): “Stay awhile!” i.e. Wait a moment! 等一下! △Ham.1.3.57:“And you are stayed for.”i.e. wai-ted for.人家正在等着你。 △3H.VI.4.1.4:“Alas,youknow,'tis far from hence to France; / How could he stay till Warwick made return?”哎呀,你知道,从这里到法国很远;他怎么能等到沃里克回来? 7. be waiting 在等待。 △ Ham.3.3.95: “My motherstays,” i. e. My mother is waiting. 我的母亲正在等着。 8. stand one’s ground,stand firm 坚守阵地,屹然挺立。 △3H.VI.2.1.187: “Ne’er may he live to see a sun-shine day / That cries ‘Retire!’,if Warwick bid himstay.”当沃里克命令坚守阵地,谁要叫一声“退却”,他就永远别想再看到阳光灿烂的日子。 9. ❶ delay 迟延。 ❷ support 支持。 △3H.VI.3.3.41:“The more I stay the more I’ll succour thee.”我愈迟延(双关:支持),我对你的援助就愈多。 Phrases: stay for: wait for 等待。 △Mer.2.6.48:“And we arestayed for at Bassanio’s feast.”并且巴萨尼欧的宴会还在等着我们。 stay on: ❶ make a stand on,i.e.insist upon the ful-fillment of 坚守,坚持履行… △Mer.4.1.242: “I stayhere on my bond.”我坚持履行我的借约。 ❷ wait for,await 等候,等待。 △Rom.1.2.37:“My house and wel-come on their pleasure stay.”i.e. wait for the pleas-ure of their company. 今天寒舍等着欢迎他们。 stay thee: stop 停,且慢。 △3H.VI.3.2.58: “But staythee,’tis the fruits of the love I mean.”但是且慢,我的意思指的是爱情之果。 stay the meat: wait for the meal,wait to dine 等候进餐。 △Oth.4.2.170:“The messengers of Venice staysthe meat.”威尼斯的使者在等候进餐。 stay the odds: ❶ check the quarrelling 止住争吵。 ❷prevent an odd number 凑成双数。 △L.L. L.3.1.97(92):“Until the goose came out of door,/And stayedthe odds by adding four.” 出来一个大呆鹅,三加为四讲了和。 stay upon: await 等待。 △Ham.3.2.113(107): “theystay upon your patience.”他们正等候殿下的吩咐。 stay we: let us remain 让我们停留。 △3H.VI.2.1.198:“King Edward,valiant Richard,Montague,/ Stay weno longer,”爱德华王,英勇的理查,蒙太玖,我们不要再停留。stay your leisure: wait until you have time to listen 听候你方便的时候再说吧。 △1H. IV.1.3.257:“Nay,if youhave not,to it again,/ We will stay your leisure.”不,你要是没有说完,尽管说下去吧,我们听候你方便的时候再说。 stay[stei]v.停留,暂住,保持n.(pl.)女式胸衣,紧身马甲 ◇ be here to stay已经得到确认 stay away外出 stay in待在家里 stay out外出 stay put留在原地不动 stay up熬夜 ‖ stay at a selected grassroots unit to help improve its work and gain first hand experience for guiding overall work 蹲 点 stay-at-the-table game近台打法 stay behind element敌后小分队 stay behind to take care of things留守 stay behind unit敌后部队 stay fresh处于精神饱满的状态 stay in shape保持良好体型 stay in the game all the way打满全场 stay in touch比分咬得很紧 stay of execution延期执行 stay of proceedings暂停诉讼 stay off the feet暂停活动 stay the course坚持跑完全程 stay with the leading bunch处于领先的队 staying on超龄留校 staying power耐久力 staying race长距离赛 |