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单词 骑马找马

骑马找马骑驴觅驴qí mǎ zhǎo mǎ

like riding one horse while looking for another; look for a donkey on a donkey back—hold on to one job while seeking a better one;look for another job while holding on to the present one
❍ 自然,他得一边儿找事,还得一边儿拉散座;~,他不能闲起来。(老舍《骆驼祥子》8) Naturally while doing so he had to return to pulling fares,which was like riding one horse while looking for another,for he couldn’t afford to remain idle.

骑马找马qi ma zhao ma

❶hold on to one job while seeking another
❷ look for sth. that’s right under one's nose.

骑马找马qí mǎ zhǎo mǎ

比喻自己就有某物,还要到处寻找;也比喻占有某物,还要占有比此更好的。hold on to one job while seeking a better one, sit on one horse and look for another, maintain a job while looking for a better one, look for another job while holding on to the present one





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