释义 |
staven. 1. staff,stick 杖,棍。 hermits’staves: long and thin sticks carried by her-mits for support (隐士们随身带的)拄杖。 △2H. IV. 5. 1.68(62): “If I were sawed into quantities,I shouldmake four dozen of such bearded hermits’ staves as Master Shallow.”如果我被锯成许多小片,我就可以变成四五十根像夏禄先生这样的带胡子的隐士杖(又译:叫花棒)。 2. staff or stick used as weapon 棍棒。 △Tw.5.1.294(284): “he holds Belzebub at the stave’s end(i.e.at a istance) as well as a man in his case may do.”他尽力抗拒着魔鬼,像他在这种情况下所能做到的那样。 3. lance,spear 长矛,矛枪。 △Mac.5.7.17: “whosearms / Are hired to bear their staves;”他们的胳臂是被雇来拿枪的。 △R.III.5.3.65:“Look that my staves besound,and not too heavy.”查看一下我的枪杆是否结实,不要太重。 armed stave: lance 长矛。 △2H.IV.4.1.120(118):“Their armed staves in charge,”他们的长矛已经平举。 |