释义 |
starsn. (pl.) 1. person’s destiny or fate as determined by the stars (由星象决定的)命运,星命。 △Rom.1.4.108(107):“Someconsequence yet hanging in the stars”,在不可知的命运中悬而未决的某种结局。 2. fortune,i.e. rank,position 命运,(转指)身份,地位。 △Tw.2.5.158(143):“In my stars I am above thee,”照我的命运(又译:身份)而论,我是在你之上。 Phrases: great stars: auspicious stars 吉星,福星。 △Lr.3.1.22:“that their great stars / Throned and set high?”福星高照、身居高位的人。 stars with trains of fire: comets 拖着火尾巴的星辰,彗星。 △Ham.1.1.117:“As stars with trains of fire,anddews of blood,/ Disasters in the sun;”星辰拖着火尾巴,露珠滴血,日色昏暗。 |