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单词 syllable
释义 syllable /'sihbl; 'silabl/ n minimum rhythmic unit of spoken language, consisting of a vowel or sustained consonant, often preceded or followed by unsustained conconant(s); similar unit of written language: 音节(由一个母晋或持续子音构成,常伴以非持续子 S): 'Arithmetic' is a word of four ~s. arithmetic 一字有四个昏节。 -syl-labled adj having a stated number of ~s: 有…个音节的 .'Sycophant' i.s a three- ~d word, sycophant 是一个三音节字。 syllabary /'silaban US: -ben; '8ils,ben/ n [C] (pl -ries) list of characters (eg in Japanese) representing ~s. 音节表; 字音表; (日文的)假名表。 syldabic /si'laebik; siUaebik/ adj a of or in ~s. 音节的; 拼音的 0 b (of consonant) making a ~. (指子音)自成音节的。 syl4abicate /si'lae-bikeit; si'kebi,ket/, syllabify/si'laebifai; si'laeba-zfai/ (pt, pp -fied), syllabize /'silabaiz; 'sila-Zbaiz/ vvt divide into ~s. 分成音命。 syl-labi.cation /sijaebi'keijn; sijaebi'ktefan/ syblabifi-cation /siUasbifi'keiJn; sijaebafa'kejan/ n (system of) division into ~s. 分成音节; 音分割分法 S




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