n. the thick,smothering (i. e. suffocating)smoke 足以使人窒息的浓烟。
△As.1.2.304 (287):“Thusmust I from the smoke into the smother,”i. e. out ofthe frying pan into the fire from a bad situatio n toan even worse one.这样一来,我得走出浓烟跳进烈火(又译:跳出油锅进入火坑)。
1.suffocate,stifle 使窒息,把…闷死。
smother up: suffocate,stifle 使窒息,把…闷死。
△Ado.4.1.113 (112):“Smother her spirits up.”把她的生命力窒息了。
△H.V.4.5.19: “We are enow yet living inthe field /To smother up the English in our throngs,”在战场上我们还有不少的人活着,挤成一团,也能把英国人闷死。
2. suppress,cover up,conceal 隐瞒,掩盖,隐蔽。
△1H.VI.4.1.109:“Your private grudge,my Lord ofYork,will out,/ Though ne’er so cunningly yousmother it.”约克大人,你深藏于心的仇恨,不管你掩盖得多么巧妙,总是要暴露出来的。
△R.III.4.4.70: “Untimelysmothered in their dusky graves.”过早地被掩埋进了阴暗的坟墓里。