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单词 pattern
释义 pattern /'paetn; 'paet n/ n [C] 1 excellent example; sb or sth serving as a model: 模范; 典型; 作为典范的某人或某事物: She's a of all the virtues. 她是一切美德的典范。 (attrib) (形容用法) He has a ~ (model is the usu word) wife. 他有个模范的妻子 (本义通常用 model) 2 sth serving as a model, esp shape of a garment, cut out in paper, used as a guide in dressmaking, etc; model from which sth is to be cast and from which a mould is made (in a foundry, etc): (做衣服等用的) 纸样; 式造工厂等用的) 模子; 模型: ' ~-maker; 制模工人; ' ~-shop, in a foundry. (jK 造工厂中的) 制模房。 3 sample, esp a small piece of cloth: 样品; (尤指) 布样: a bunch of ~s from the tailor. 裁観焉的一束布样。 4 ornamental design, eg on a carpet, on wallpaper, curtain material: (地毯、壁纸岛帘布等的) 图案; 花样; 式样: a ~ of roses; 玫瑰的图案; geometrical ~s. 几何图案。 5 way in which sth happens, develops, is arranged, etc: 方式: new ~s of family life, eg when married women, instead of keeping house, go out to work and add to the family income. 家庭生活的新方式 (例如已婚妇女不做家事而外出工作,以增加家庭收入) 。 1 [VP14] ~ sth/oneself upon/after sth/sb, model: 仿造; 模仿: a dress ~ed upon a Paris model. 仿照巴黎式样的衣服。 He ~s himself upon his father. 他仿你他的父亲。 2 decorate with a ~. 以图案装饰; 加花样 c




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