n. private enclosed land 私人的圈地。
△L.L.L.2.1.221 (223): “My lips are no common,though sev-eral they be.”我的嘴唇是私有圈地,却不是公共牧场。
1. separate,particular,individual,respective,single各别的,特定的,个别的,各自的,单独的。
△Mac.4.3.95:“but abound / In the division of each several crime,/Acting it many ways.”但是每一样罪恶的种种变化,我却非常富有,在各方面表现出来。
△Mac.5.7.90: (5.9.27):“your several loves.” i.e.the love of each of you.你们各位每个人(对我)的忠诚。
△ Gent.1.2.105: “I’ll kisseach several paper for amends.”我要吻每一片碎纸以为补偿。
△L.L.L.5.2.123: “And every one his love-featwill advance / Unto his several mistress,”每个人都要向各自钟爱的姑娘做出求爱的表示。
△Wiv.3.5.111 (107):“Isuffered the pangs of three several deaths.”我前前后后遭受了三次死亡的痛苦。
△Mid.5.2.47 (5.1.417):“Andeach several chamber bless,”每个人都去祝福一个房间。
△2H.IV. 4.1.170 (168): “Each several article hereinredressed,”其中每一项单独条款中所提到的事都要得到纠正。
△2H.IV.4.2.61:“Discharge your powers unto theirseveral counties,/ As we will ours,”把你们的军队都遣散到各自的州郡,我们也要把我们的军队遣散。
△ 1H.VI.1.3.77(76): “to repair to your several dwel ling-places,and not to wear,handle,or use any sword,weapon,ordagger,henceforward,upon pain of death.”回到你们各自的住所,并且今后不得佩带、手持或者使用任何刀剑、武器或者匕首,否则一律处死。
△2H.VI.3.2.362:“For where thouart,there is the world itself,/ With every severalpleasure in the world;”因为你在什么地方,那里才是世界,世界上的种种 一切快乐才都齐备。
△R.III.5.3.25: “Limiteach leader to his several charge.”为每个将领指定由他个人所指挥的部队。
2. different,separate 不同的,各别的。
△1H.VI.2.1.29: “Not all together; better far,I guess,/ That wedo make our entrance several ways,”不要一拥而上;我想我们还是分头并进要好得多。
△R.III.3.7.0.s.d.:“EnterRichard and Buckingham at several doors.”理查与白金汉分别由两侧门上。
△R.III.5.3.194 (193): “My con-science hath a thousand several tongues,/ And everytongue brings in a several tale,/And every tale con-demns me for a villain.”我的良心有一千条不同的舌头,每一条舌头都能说出一个不同的故事,每一个故事都判定我是一个坏人。
△H.VIII.2.1.0.s.d.:“Enter two gentlemen atseveral doors.”二绅士各自一门上。
△1H.IV.3.1.156(155): “In reckoning up the several devils'names”,一一细数那些各种各样魔鬼的名字。
△2H.VI.4.9.21:“I do dismiss you to your several countries.”我把你们遣散回到你们各自的地方。
△1H.VI.5.1.34:“My lordsambassadors,your several suits / Have been consid-ered and debated on;”诸位大使阁下,你们的种种请求都已经考虑和讨论过了。
△H.VIII.3.2.126(125):“The severalparcels of his plate,”各式各样的金银器皿。
△Ham.5.2.20:“Larded with many several sorts of reasons.” 文饰着许许多多、各种各样的理由。
4. divers. separate好几个,各别的。
△2H.IV.1.3.76:“That he should draw his several strengths together,”他会把他的几支分散的兵力集合起来。
5. different,divided不同的,分开的。
△ R.III.3.2.76:“I do not like these several Councils. I.”我不喜欢这些分开的会议,我。
6. separate,divisive各别的,分裂的。
△1H.VI.1.1.70:“Amongst the soldiers this is muttered,/ That hereyou maintain several factions;”兵士们纷纷议论,说你们各自树党结派、制造分裂。
‖ several tenancy单独的财产权
severally adv.