vassaln. 1 . subject,servant,slave. subordinate臣民,仆人,奴隶,属下。 △L. L. L. 4. 1 . 64: “thy heroical vassal”,你的英勇的奴隶。 △2H.IV. 4 . 5 . 174 (175):“And make me as thepoorest vassal is / That doth with awe and terrorkneel to it.”使我成为只会向王冠诚惶诚恐下跪的最卑贱的奴才。 God’s vassals: human beings人。 △H . V . 3 . 2 . 9 (8):“Knocks go and come; God’s vassals drop and die;” 打过来打过去,上帝的奴仆倒地死。 2. (term of contempt) base slave. slavish fellow,lowwretch (鄙称)贱奴,奴才,下贱东西。 △L.L . L. 1 . 1 . 253:“that shallow vassal”,那个浅薄的奴才。 △Lr.1.1. 163(161):“O vassal ! miscreant!”啊,奴才! 坏蛋! △ R.III.1.4. 204 (195):“Erroneous vassal!”荒谬的奴才! △ 2H.VI.4. 1.110:“It is impossible that I shoulddie / By such a lowly vassal as thyself.”我绝不可能死在像你这样的一个卑贱的奴才手里。 △ 1H.VI. 4.1.125:“Pre-sumptuous vassals. are you not ashamed / With thisimmodest clamorous outrage / To trouble and disturbthe King and us?”狂妄的奴才们,难道你们不知害臊,竟敢用这种放肆的喧嚷吵闹来搅扰国王和我们吗?
vassala. 1. slavish. servile 奴隶般的,奴颜婢膝的。 △ 1H.IV.3.2.124:“vassal fear,”奴隶般的恐惧。 2. base and obedient,subservient 卑贱而顺从的,俯首帖耳的。 △ H.V.3.5.50:“Rush on his host,as doth themelted snow / Upon the valleys whose low vassalseat / The Alps doth spit and void his rheum upon.”冲向他的军队,就像融化的雪水冲向山谷,阿尔卑斯山正是这样向卑下的低处喷吐着口水。 vassal封臣见feudalism条。 vassal[ˈvæsl]n.诸侯,附庸 ‖ vassal country (state) 仆从国,附庸国 vassal forces (troops)仆从军 |