sevena. more than six 七。 seven stars: constellation of the Pleiades,i. e. theseven northern stars 金牛座星群(金牛七星),(即)北斗七星。 △1H.IV.1.2.15(13):“for we that take purses go bythe moon and the seven stars.”因为我们这种抢钱为生的人只靠着月亮和七星来辨别时间。 △2H.IV.2.4.199 (186):“What! we have seen the seven stars.”i. e. we haveshared many night adventures.怎么! 我们是在一起望着金牛七星(又译:北斗七星)的呀。 △Lr.1.5.38 (34): “Thereason why the seven stars are no moe than seven is apretty reason.”为什么那金牛七星不多于七颗,其中有一番绝妙的道理。(按:“金牛七星”,又解作“北斗七星”。) 2.(in expressions of time) many 许多。 this seven years: i.e.for a long time 很久以来。 △ 1H.VI.4.3.37: “This seven years did not Talbotsee his son,/ And now they meet where both theirlives are done.”多年以来塔尔博特没有和他儿子见面,现在他们却要在两人生命一同结束的地方会见。 seven[ˈsevən]num.七,七个 ‖ seven-alley-darts七个瞄准点 seven-a-side七人为一方 seven-day notice deposit七日通知存款 seven deadly sins七大罪 seven eighth七锋八卫制 seven forwards七前锋制 seven iron 7号铁头球棒/铁杆seven judges award七人裁判评分 seven men line box defence七人箱形防线 seven men line diamond defence七人菱形防线 seven-meter line七米线 seven-meter throw七米球 Seven-Nation Economic Summit西方七国首脑会议 seven principal virtues七美德 Seven Sages七贤人 seven system七人密集队形 seven yards line七码线 Seven Years War of the North北方七年战争(1563年)/Seven Years War七年战争(1756年)/ seventh num.第七 seventh heaven极乐世界 seventh invito第七斜线姿势,第七姿势挑引 seventh parry第七姿势防守 |