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单词 万马奔腾

万马奔腾wàn mǎ bēn téng

ten thousand horses galloping ahead (/forward)—all going full steam ahead; roll on with tremendous vitality (/with gigantic force); surge forward
❍ 他懂得外面~地冲来的是什么样一种势力; 他又明白自己是什么样一等人,自己在社会间居什么样一个地位。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》363) He understood what kind of a force it was that was rushing upon them outside like a myriad galloping horses; he was also aware of what category of people he came in and what sort of position he held in society.
❍ 四面八方都是同样的声音,人分辨不出它们究竟是从什么地方来的。声音那么急,那么亮,就像~,怒潮狂涌一样。(巴金《家》123) There was so much sharp,agitated sound it was impossible to tell which direction it was coming from. The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses,a roaring tidal wave.
❍ 瀑布有十来丈宽,有七八丈高,声势有如~,有如冲锋陷阵,有如十万游行队伍的高呼口号。(草明《原动力》150)The waterfall was over one hundred feet wide and seventy to eighty feet high,and sounded like the thunder of ten thousand horses’hooves,like charging cavalry,like slogans shouted by a hundred thousand men on parade.


ten thousand horses galloping ahead—all going full steam ahead

万马奔腾wàn mǎ bēn ténɡ

形容声势浩大,进展迅速的壮观场面。going full steam ahead, roll on with tremendous vitality, ten thousand horses gallop





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