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单词 serve


1. be in the service of伺候。
△Rom.1.1.60 (54): “Iserve as good a man as you.” (Sampson means Capu-let,his master.)我伺候的主人一点也不比你们差。
serve obedient to God. behave about your business侍奉上帝,(指)敬畏上帝,安分一点,做你的正事。
△Rom.2.5.45 (44): “Go thy ways.wench,serve God.”去吧,丫头,好好敬奉上帝。(又译:做你的事去吧。)
2. attend伴随。
△R.III.4.4.196: “Shame serves thylife and doth thy death attend.”耻辱不但伴随你在生前,也要伴随你在死后。
3. be of use to. be good to. avail对…有用,对…有好处,有助于。
△2H.VI.3.1.119: “It serves you well,mylord,to say so much.”大人,你说了这么多,为你自己辩解得不错嘛。
4. favour眷顾。
△3H.VI.4.7.78: “If fortune serveme,I'll requite this kindness.”如果命运对我眷顾,我定要报答诸位这种好意。
5. allow,encourage,have... to准许,鼓励,让…去…
△Mer.2.2.1: “Certainly my conscience will serveme to run from this Jew my master.”我的良心当然不准我从我的犹太主人家里逃跑。(按:学者认为“will”与“serve”之间可能漏掉一个“not”,因为从下文看,此句的意思应为“不准逃跑”。)
6. satisfy the needs of,suffice for满足…的要求,足够应付。
△1H.IV.4.1.131: “My father and Glendowerbeing both away,/ The powers of us may serve sogreat a day.”我的父亲和格兰道尔两个人都不能来,我们所拥有的兵力也是可以应付这个伟大的日子。
7. treat,do with对待,对付。
△Com.2.1.12: “Look,when I serve him so,he takes it ill.”看吧,我这样对待他,他定会大不高兴。
△As.1.2.137 (128): “So he servedthe second,and so the third.”他同样地对付了第二个和第三个。
△Ado.2.1.204 (195): “But did you think thePrince would have served you thus?”可是你想亲王会这样对待你吗?
△R.III.1.3.250 (249):“Were you wellserved,you would be taught your duty.”如果你要受到好的待遇,你就得先接受教训,懂得自己的本分。
8. offer,afford给予,提供。
△2H.IV.3.2.276 (255):“They are your likeliest men,and I would have youserved with the best.”他们两个是你的最身强力壮的兵,我希望给你提供最好的兵。
9. present for acceptance递交。
△2H.IV.5.1.14 (13):“those precepts cannot be served;”那些传票送不出去。
10. fulfill实现。
△Shr. 1.1.15:“to serve all hopesconceived,”实现大家的期望。
~ vi.
1. be in another's employment and under his com-mand效劳。
△Mac.5.4.14 (13):“And none servewith him but constrained things,”除了那些被强迫者以外没人为他效劳。
2. be of use,avail,do有用,有助,行。
△2H.VI.2.1.104(102): “A subtle knave! But yet it shall not serve.”i.e. It won't serve to fool me. 好一个狡猾的坏蛋! 不过这可骗不了我。
3. suffice,do足够,行。
△Rom.3.1.101 (96):“No,'tisnot so deep as a well,nor so wide as a church-door.but 'tis enough,’twill serve.”i.e. It will serve to killme. 不,(这伤口)没有一口井深,也没有教堂大门宽,但是这就够了,这就要了我的命了。
△R.III.3.5.61 (62): “But,mygood lord,your Grace's words shall serve / As well asI had seen,and heard him speak;”但是,我的好大人,阁下说一句话就足够了,那就好像跟我亲眼看见、亲耳听他招供一样。
4. be fit,be favourable,be opportune适合,顺利,适时。
△Lr.5.1.48: “When time shall serve,let but theherald cry,/ And I'll appear again.”等时候一到,只要让传令官高呼一声,我就会再来。
△1H.IV.1.3.180:“No,yettime serves wherein you may redeem / Your banishedhonours”,不,现在时间还来得及,你们可以恢复你们失去的荣誉。
△2H.IV.4.1.74:“When time shall serve,”如果有合适的时间。(又译:只要有时间。)
△H.V.2.1.6(5):“butwhen time shall serve,there shall be smiles; but thatshall be as it may.”到一定时候,也许会见面笑嘻嘻的,不过这还是到时候再说吧。
△2H.VI.1.1.249 (248): “Then,York,be still awhile till time do serve.”那么,约克,就暂时沉默吧,等待时机合适再说。
5. afford an opportunity,be opportune提供机会,适时。
△1H.VI.5.4.163: “And therefore take this compactof a truce. / Although you break it when your pleas-ure serves.”所以你不妨接受这个停战协议,将来有机会你可以随意废除。
△3H.VI.3.3.236: “And,as occasionserves,this noble queen / And prince shall followwith a fresh supply.”等时机有利,这位高贵的王后和王子再带一支新的援军去接应。
is serve: (Welsh dialect) afford opportunity,be op-portune or favourable(方言)提供机会,(时机)恰好或有利。
△H.V.3.6.69 (64):“But it is very well: what he hasspoke to me,that is well,I warrant you,when time isserve.”i.e. when the opportunity offers itself. 不过这样很好:他对我说的这些话很好,我向你保证,只等时机一到就好了 。
6. be working,be rife起作用,盛行。
△H.VIII.1.2.37:“And danger serves among them.”危险的思想在他们当中很盛行。
7. be favourable,be at one's disposal顺利,可供支配
△Mac.2.1.22: “an hour to serve,”i.e. an hour atour disposal,a convenient hour. 一个小时的闲暇。
8. be sufficient or acceptable足够,适宜。
△L.L.L.1.2.119 (113): “it would neither serve for the writingnor the tune.”既无法写下来,也无法歌唱。
9. fight战斗。
serve against: fight against,contend with与…战斗,与…争高下。
△Ham.4.7.83: “I have seen myself,and served against,the French.”我自己见过法国人,跟他们打过仗。
10. ❶ be useful,be suitable 有用,合适。
❷ do militaryservice 服军役。
△2H.IV.3.2.146 (133):“Shadow willserve for summer,prick him,”影子在夏天有用,选他吧。11. ❶ i. e. serve in the wars 作战。
❷ cover the female性交。
△2H.IV.2.4.53 (48):“For to serve bravely isto come halting off,you know;”因为你知道,交战勇敢(双关),退出来就不免一瘸一拐的。





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