Ⅰ ❶ (永久;持久) permanent;lasting: 永 ~ eternal;everlasting
❷ (平常;经常) usual;common;constant: ~ 言 common saying Ⅱ ❶ (恒心) perseverance: 持之以 ~ persevere in (doing sth.)
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 裴 Heng Pei
◆恒产 immovable property-real estate;
恒齿[牙] {生理} dentes permanente;permanent tooth;
恒等 {数} identi ̄ cally equal;identical;
恒定 constant;
恒河 the Ganges River;
恒河沙数 as numerous as the sands of the Ganges;be numberless as the sands;countless;innumberable;
恒劲 persistent strength or power;staying power;stamina;
恒久 constant;endurable;lasting;forever;
恒居世界 space;
恒流 {电} constant current;
恒频 constant frequency;
恒速 constant speed;constant velocity;
恒温 constant temperature;
恒心 perseverance;constancy of purpose;persistence;
恒星 {天} fixed star;star;
恒压 {电} constant voltage;
恒载 dead load