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单词 send


1. cause to go on a message,send a messenger使人捎信,派使者。
△Rom.2.2.153: “To-morrow will Isend.”我明天派人来。
△Rom.2.2.167:“What o'clockto-morrow / Shall I send to thee?”我明天几点钟派人到你那里去?
2. cause or direct to go 叫(人)去,召去。
△R.III.1.3.68: “Makes him to send,that he may learn theground.”这才使得他召见你,以便问明情由。
3. send a message送信。
△ Rom.5.3.256:“Till I con-veniently could send to Romeo.”等方便时送信给罗米欧。
Phrases :
send down: send me help派人下来救我。
△ Lr.2.4.195(192): “Make it your cause; send down、and take mypart.”你就主持公道;快派下神使,来帮助我吧。
send hence: disband遣散。
△2H.IV.4.2.120(119):“Fondly brought here and foolishly sent hence.”把军队愚蠢地开到这里,又愚蠢地遣散。
send out: issue orders 发布命令。
△Ham.2.2.61:“Upon our first,he sent out to suppress / Hisnephew's levies,”我们初次谒见之后,他就下令让他的侄儿停止征兵。


◇ give sb. a warm send-off欢送
send down开除
send for召唤
send in呈送
send off送行,派遣
send off the field罚出场
send on转寄
send round the hat募捐
send sb. on an embassy派遣某人出任大使
send sb. packing叫某人走开
send sb. up把某人关进监狱
send sth. in将某物寄到某处进行处理
send sth. out射出某物
send to grass开除
send up price涨价
‖ send a punitive expedition against讨伐
send direct直接托收
send in an account开送账单,报账
send into exile流放
send offer寄送报盘
send relief to a disaster area救灾
send sb.on recommendation保送
send to dorse(拳击中)击倒
send to the press付印
sent in advance先遣
sending antenna发射天线
sending key发送电键
sending power发射功率
sending set发射机
sending state派驻国
sending station发射台
sender n.寄信人,发信息者,发货人,发送器,发射机
send-off n.送别,送行





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