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单词 五颜六色

五颜六色wǔ yán liù sè

a riot of colour; of various colours; colourful; harlequin; motley;multicoloured; varicoloured
❍ 秋天的田野里,~。火红的高粱,金黄的玉米,褐色的豆荚,雪白的棉絮,真是招人喜爱呀。(石文驹《战地红缨》187) It was autumn and the fields were a delightful riot of colour with their flaming sorghum,golden maize,brown bean-pods,and snow-white cotton.
❍ 不久以前,采用了催眠术,满屋钉满~的图片,想要扰乱他的神经。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》380) They had tried hypnotism. They had tacked coloured pictures all around the room in an attempt to disturb his mental balance.
❍ 她低着头盯住那些~的高跟鞋,那些涂着蔻丹的好象妖魔一般的红色大脚趾,…(杨沫《青春之歌》362) She stared at the women’s gaudy,many-coloured high-heeled shoes and their fantasti cally enamelled toe-nails.
❍ 左门附近是一张沉甸甸的很讲究的办公桌和圈椅,圈椅上放着一个~的靠垫,这是贾克逊的秘书刘玛丽办公的地方。(曹禺《明朗的天》5) Near the door stands a heavy-looking,well made writing desk and an easy-chair with multi-coloured cushions on it. This is where Liu Mali,Jackson’s secretary,works.
❍ 我看见那些外国妇女们的奇装异服,特别是~的眼睛和毛发,觉得他们又寒伧,又可怕。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》122) I thought that their strange clothes and their hair and eyes of so many colours were both ugly and frightening.
❍ 跟武汉一样,江心停泊着外国轮船,船上插着~的外国旗。(陶承《我的一家》45) In many ways Shanghai resembled Wuhan. Foreigh ships lay in the Huangpu River,flying their vari-coloured flags.
❍ 桌子上,小钟边,摆了一叠~的纸张,还有几张道林纸印的土地证。(周立波《山乡巨变》99) On the table,beside the little clock,was a heap of papers of various colours and also several land title-deeds printed on fine paper.
❍ 半年以前,同志们的背包是~奇形怪状的,有的横背,有的竖背,还有的挂在肩膀上。(吴强《红日》409) Six months ago the comrades’ packs had been of the weirdest variety of shapes and colours,some carried crosswise on the back,some vertically,and some hung from the shoulders.
❍ 他妈端来一碗汤面条。碗里~——红的是辣椒,绿的是蒜苗,黄的是豆油点子,看了真使人流出口水。(柳青《创业史》207) His mother brought in a bowl of hot noodles.Very colourful,it had red peppers,green garlic sprouts and golden drops of bean oil floating on the surface. It made your mouth water just to look at it.


colorful;multicolored;of various colors

五颜六色wǔ yán liù sè

形容色彩繁多,光彩夺目。colorful, multicolored, all the colors of the rainbow, of various colours





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