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单词 plaster
释义 plaster /plo: sta(r)US: 'piaes-; 'plaestv/ n 1 [U] soft mixture of lime, sand, water, etc used for coating walls and ceilings. 灰泥 (用于涂 IB 及天花板) 。 ~ of 'Paris n [U] white paste made from gypsum, that becomes very hard when dry, used for making moulds, etc. 境石膏; 熟石膏。 '~ cast n a mould made with gauze and ~ of Paris to hold a broken or dislocated bone in place. (用于固定折骨或脱臼之骨的) 石膏纤带; 石膏夹。 ( 6 mould (eg for a small statue) made of ~ of Paris. 石膏模型 (如制小 It 像者) 。 '~-board n [U] board made of gypsum and thick paper or cardboard, used for inside walls and ceilings instead of plastering. 石膏厚纸板 (用作内筒及天花板而无需涂灰泥) 。 2 [C] piece of fabric spread with a medicinal substance, for application to part of the body, to relieve pain, cover a wound, etc. 膏药。 3 ('sticking-) ~,[U, C] material treated with some substance so that it will stick to the skin, used for covering a cut, blister, burn, for holding a bandage in position, etc. 橡皮会; 绊创膏 (用于包覆轻伤、固定刚带等) 。 → W [VP6A, 14] 1 cover (a wall, etc) with ~⑴; put a ~ (2) on (the body). 涂灰泥于 (IB 等); 敷膏药于 (身体) 。 2 ~ sth with sth; ~ sth on sth, cover thickly: 厚厚地涂盖: hair ~ed with oil; 油涂得很厚的头发; an old suitcase ~ed with hotel labels. 贴满了旅馆标签的一只旧手提箱。 ~ 8 adj (colloq) drunk. (俗) 醉的。 ~er n workman who ~s walls and ceilings. 涂灰泥于器壁及天花板的工人; 泥水匠。




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