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单词 seeming


1 . appearance,semblance外貌,外表。
△Oth. 2 . 1 . 244(239):“putting on the mere form of civil and humaneseeming .”做出一副礼貌和殷勤的外表.装装样子。
△ Oth . 3.3 . 209: “She that so young could give out such aseeming / To seel her father’s eyes up.”她那么年轻,就能装出那么一副样子,把她父亲的眼睛都蒙蔽住 了。
△2H . IV.5 . 2 . 128: “who hath writ me down / After my seem-ing.”它根据我的外表就对我做出判断。
△H VI I I . 1 . 1 . 143:“Know you not / The fire that mounts the liquor till’trun o’er / In seeming to augment it wastes it?” 难道你不明白,大火把水煮得沸腾以致漫出来,表面上水是增加了,其实倒是浪费了吗?
△H . VI I I . 2 . 4 . 106 ( 108 ): “You sign yourplaee and calling,in ful l seeming,/ With meeknessand humility;” (in full seeming: to all appearance,inall outward appearance.)你身居高位和圣职,在外表上又显出一副十足柔顺而谦卑的样子。
2. what appears to be,show表现r。
△ Ham . 3 . 2 . 92(87): “In censure of his seeming . ” i. e. In iudgementof his appearance. 对于他的表现下 一个判断。
3. false appearance or show,hypocrisy 假象,伪善。
△Ado . 4 . 1 . 56: “Out on the seeming!”呸,装模作样!4. hypocrisy伪善。
△Lr . 3. 2. 56: “That under covertand convenient seeming”,你在假冒伪善的幌子掩盖下。
5. supposition,assumption假定,设想。
△Oth . 1 . 3.109: “modern seeming”,一般的设想。


p. a.
1 . in appearance外表上的。
△Ham . 1 . 5. 46: “my mostseeming virtuous queen.”我那貌若贞淑的王后。
△ Rom.3. 3 . 1 1 1 ( 112): “Unseemly woman in a seemingman,”看来像个男子,实际上是个不像样的女人。
△Mid. 3. 2.212:“So with two seeming bodies,but one heart,”所以,身体像是两个,心却是一颗。
△1H.IV. 5 . 2 . 34: “Thereis no seeming mercy in the King。”国王连一点表面上的仁慈都没有。
△1H.IV . 5 . 1 . 51 :“The seeming sufferancesthat you had borne,”表面上看来你所遭受的冤屈。
2. apparent,specious貌似的,虚有其表的。
△Lr . 1 . 1 . 201(198):“that little seeming substance,”那虚有其表的小小身体。


1 . seemingly,apparently,to external appearance外表上的,表面的,从外表看来 。
△Rom . 3 . 3 . 1 12 (1 13): “Andill-beseeming beast in seeming both.”或者说,(你是)又像男人又像女人的四不像的野兽。
△Mid . 3 . 2 . 209: “Like to adouble cherry,seeming parted,/ But yet an union inpartition . ”像是并蒂的樱桃,看来似是分离的,其实却是两部分联在一起。
2. in a seemly fashion,becomingly合宜地,像样子地。
△ As . 5 . 4 . 72 (68 ): ”bear your body more seeming,Audrey,”把你的身体摆得更像样 一些,奥德蕾。





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