释义 |
seditionn. 1. party strife,factious contest,civil dissension 党派斗争,派别之争,内部不和。 △1H.VI.4.3.47: “Thus whilethe vulture of sedition/Feeds in the bosom of suchgreat commanders,” (vulture: alluding to the story ofPrometheus in Greek mythology,whose livers weredaily eaten out by vultures as divine punishment.) 这样,将帅们的胸膛一直被内争的兀鹰所啄食。 2. revolt,mutiny 反叛,叛乱。 △ 3H.VI.2.2.158: “Andheaped sedition on his crown at home.”在国内给他的王位平添了叛乱。 sedition[siˈdiʃən]n.煽动罪,煽动的言论和举止 ‖ seditious adj. seditiously adv. |