释义 |
sawn. 1. wise saying,maxim,proverb格言,箴言,谚语。 △Tw.3.4.415 (378):“most sage saws.”最聪明的格言。 △As.2.7.156: “Full of wise saws and modern instances;”满嘴都是明哲的格言和陈腐的例证。 △As.3.5.81:“thysaw of might,”你那有力的名言。 △Ham.1.5.100:“Allsaws of books,” 一切书本上的格言。 △Lr.2.2.167 (160): “Good King,that must approve the commonsaw,”好国王,你的确证明了一句俗话。 △2H.VI.1.3.61(58):“His weapons holy saws of sacred writ.”他的武器就是圣书里的神圣格言。 2. moral discourse,platitude说教.陈词滥调。 △L.L.L.5.2.930(922):“And coughing drowns the parson'ssaw.”一阵咳嗽淹没了牧师的老生常谈。
sawvt. i.e. cut as with a saw锯.(像锯子似的)来回劈砍 △Ham.3.2.4: “Nor do not saw the air too muchwith your hand,thus,”(Double negative)也不要老是用手把空气劈来劈去,像这样子。 |