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(构词成分): ~ 子 [- zi] ❶ (电影胶片) a roll of film
❷ (影片) film; movie
❸ (唱片) gramophone record; disc
另见 see also piàn。
◆片斑 {摄} film mottle; 片边号码 {摄} edge numbers;
片边印字机 fine-line printer;
片槽 film trap; 片长 length of a film (in term of showing time); 片酬 remuneration for a movie actor [actress]; 片窗 {摄} gate; 片格 frame; 片盒 film magazine; 片盒式幻灯 {摄} magazine projector; 片基 {摄} film base; 片夹 {摄} film jacket; 片孔 (film) perforation; 片门 film gate; 片盘 film spool; bobbin; 片头 titles (of a film); 片尾 run-out; trailer; tail leader


Ⅰ ❶ (平而薄的东西) a flat, thin piece; slice; flake: 玻璃 ~ 儿 bits and pieces of glass; 布 ~ 儿 small pieces of cloth; 面包 ~ slices of bread; sliced bread; 牛肉 ~ slices of beef; 碎纸 ~ 儿 scraps of paper; 雪 ~ snowflakes; 皂 ~ soap flakes
❷ (较大地区内划分的较小地区) part of a place; subdivision of an area: 分 ~ 包干 divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group Ⅱ (用刀切成薄片) cut into slices; pare: ~ 肉片儿 slice meat; ~ 鱼片儿 flake a fish Ⅲ (不全的; 零星的; 简短的) incomplete; fragmentary; partial; brief: ~ 言 a few words; 只言 ~ 语 a word or two; a few isolated words and phrases Ⅳ ❶ (用于成片的东西): 两 ~ 儿安眠药 two sleeping tablets; 一 ~ 儿面包 a slice of bread; 一 ~ 枫叶 a maple leaf
❷ (用于地面和水面等): 一 ~ 草地 a tract of meadow; 一 ~ 土地 a stretch of land; 一 ~ 汪洋 a vast sheet [expanse] of water
❸ (用于景色、气象、声音、语言、心意等): 一 ~ 丰收景象 a vast countryside busy bringing in bumper crops; 一 ~ 欢腾 a scene of great rejoicing; 一 ~ 脚步声 a patter of footsteps; 一 ~ 漆黑 a pall of darkness; 一 ~ 真心 in all sincerity
另见 see also piān。
◆片材 {材} sheet; 片段 part; passage; fragment; extract; segment; bit; episode; snatch; section; 片簧 {机} bearing spring; leaf spring; 片甲不存 not a single armoured warrior remains — the army is completely wiped out; have not even a fragment of armour remain ̄ing; Not a single armour is saved.; not a single man from the front returns; The whole army was annihilated.; The whole division was wiped out.; 片甲不留 have not even a fragment of armour remain ̄ing — be completely routed [be utterly destroyed].; The army is wiped out.; 片假名 katakana; 片架 rack; 片金 flake gold; 片锯 blade saw; 片刻 an instant; a moment; a short while; a little while; a minute; tick; 片流 {物} lamellar flow; laminar flow; sheetflood; 片麻岩 {地质} gneiss; 片面 unilateral; one-sided; single-faceted; one-sided; lopsided; 片面性 one-sidedness; 片片 in pieces; in fragment; 片石 flag; 片时 a short time; a moment; a short while; 片梭织机 {纺} gripper loom; carrier loom; projectile loom; 片儿汤 flat pieces of dough served with soup; a kind of Chinese noodle; 片瓦无存 not a single tile remains — to be razed to the ground; 片言 a few words; a phrase or two; 片言只语 a few isolated words and phrases; (pick out) a phrase or two; half a word; just a few words; 片纸只字 just a short note; a brief note or letter; fragments of writing; 片砖 tile; 片子 flat, thin piece; slice; flake; scrap



❷section(of medicinal herbs)





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