sacramentn. the Eucharist. a solemn religious cere-mony; solemn oath taken on receiving the Eucharist圣餐;领圣餐时的庄严宣誓。 △1H.VI.4.2.28:“Ten thou-sand French have ta'en the sacrament,/ To rive their dangerous artillery / Upon no Christian soul but Eng-lish Talbot.”一万名法国兵已经领了圣餐宣誓:他们凶猛的大炮不打别的基督徒,只向英国人塔尔博特瞄准开火。 Phrases: receive the sacrament: receive the sacrament in wit-ness of one's solemn oath,swear upon the sacrament接受圣礼、发出庄严誓言,在圣礼上发誓。 △R.III.1.4.212(203):“Thou didst receive the sacrament to fight / Inquarrel of the house of Lancaster.”你曾接受圣礼,发誓要为兰开斯特王室而战。 take the sacrament: receive the Eucharist and sweara sacred oath接受圣餐并发出神圣的誓言。 △R.III.5.4.31(5.5.18): “ And then as we have ta'enthe sacrament. / We will unite the White Rose andthe Red.”(Before setting out on his expedition. Rich-mond had taken an oath to marry Princess Elizabeth,daughter of Edward IV,thereby uniting the houses ofYork and of Lancaster.)然后,我既已发过神圣的誓言,我要把白玫瑰和红玫瑰联合在一起。 sacrament圣礼亦称圣事。象征神的恩惠的基督教礼仪。据称由耶稣订立。东正教、罗马天主教及某些英国国教徒信奉7种圣礼:洗礼,或称圣洗;坚信礼,或称坚振;圣餐礼,或称圣体;忏悔礼,或称告解;沐膏礼,或称终付;神品授予礼和婚礼。大多数基督教新教派只承认洗礼和圣餐礼两种圣礼,英国国教会另加婚礼。 sacrament[ˈsækrəmənt]n.圣礼,基督教圣餐 ‖ sacramental n.圣典礼仪 adj.圣礼的,圣典的 sacramentalism n. 圣礼主义 |