revivevt. bring again to life,reanimate使复活,使重有活力。 △Rom.3.3.164(165):“How well my comfortis revived by this!” 现在我又重新得到了多大的安慰! △1H.VI.3.2.97: “Methinks I should revive thesoldiers' hearts. / Because I ever found them as my-self.”我想我应该鼓舞一下士气,因为我觉得他们也像我一样衰病。 △1H.VI.4.5.1: “O young John Talbot,I didsend for thee / To tutor thee in stratagems of war,/That Talbot's name might be in thee revived.”啊,小约翰·塔尔博特,我派人叫你,是要把兵法战策教给你,让你能够重振塔尔博特的英名。 △3H.VI.1.1.163:“O Clifford. howthy words revive my heart!”啊,克利福,你的话使我的心受到何等的鼓舞! △3H.VI.3.3.21:“Those gracious wordsrevive my drooping thoughts”. 这些仁慈的话语使我这低落的精神重新振作起来。 ~ vi. live again复活。 △1H.VI.1.1.18: “Henry isdead,and never shall revive;”亨利死了,再也不能复活。 revive[riˈvaiv]v. 苏醒,复苏,复兴,再生效 ‖revived quotation恢复报价 revivable adj. 可复兴的,可复活的,可恢复的 revival n. 复苏,复兴,复活,再生 Revival of Learning文艺复兴 Revival of Literature文艺复兴 revival of monetary policies金融政策重新生效 revival of trade贸易复苏 revival of will遗嘱的再生效 revivalism n. 复兴主义,复兴精神,信仰复兴运动 revivalist n.复兴者,信仰复兴运动者 revivatory adj. 复活的 reviver n. |