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单词 restrict


v. 限制,约束,限定
◇be restricted by time受时间局限
be restricted in movements行动受局限
be restricted within narrow limits限制在狭窄的范围内
‖restrict sales限制销售
restricted account限制性账户
restricted advantage受限制利益
restricted air space空中禁区
restricted area禁区,限航区,限制区
restricted assets专用资产,限定用途资产
restricted banks限制性银行
restricted bulletin内部公报
restricted canvassing area拉票管制区
restricted cash限定用途的现金
restricted class规格级
restricted code限定代码
restricted contract受制合同
restricted contribution特定用途捐款
restricted credit限制使用信用证
restricted credit限制信用证
restricted currencies受限制货币
restricted current funds限定流动基金
restricted data保密资料,限制发行资料
restricted dimensional analysis狭义量纲分析
restricted documents内部文件,限制性文件
restricted endorsement限制性背书
restricted film内部电影
restricted funds限定基金
restricted generality有局限的普遍性
restricted item受限制物品
restricted letter of credit限制议付信用证
restricted license限制性银行执照
restricted licence bank有限制牌照银行
restricted market限制性市场
restricted material内部资料
restricted message内部文电
restricted modal logic狭义模态逻辑
restricted negotiation限制议付
restricted paper限阅文件,内部传阅文件
restricted predicate calculus狭义谓词演算
restricted publication内部发行出版物
restricted speech局限性语言
restricted speed限速
restricted tender局限性招标
restricted test内部测验
restricted theory of relativity狭义相对论
restricted universals受限制的普遍
restricted-use credit agreement限定使用信贷协议
restricted war有限战争
restricted zone禁区
Restricted (Restricted Under17) R级(专为十七岁以下青年放映)/ restrictee[ˌristrikˈti:]n.(出于政治等方面原因)行动自由受限制者,被管制者
restriction n. 限制(行动),约束
restriction license限制性许可证
restriction notice限制通知书
restriction of birth节制生育
restriction of concepts概念的限制
restriction of credit信贷限制restriction of export输出品限制
restriction of imports输入品限制
restriction on candidacy候选人资格的限制
restriction on voting right限制选举权/
restriction order限制令
restrictions of trade贸易限制
restrictionism n. 限制主义
restrictionist n. 限制主义者 adj. 限制主义者的
restrictive adj. 限制性的
restrictive business practices限制性经营办法
restrictive business tariff限制营业税率
restrictive clause限制性从句
restrictive covenant限制性保护条款
restrictive credit policy信贷限制政策
restrictive demarcation of duties职责分界,划清职务界限
restrictive effect限制性效应
restrictive endorsement限制性背书
restrictive fiscal and monetary policies限制性财政货币政策
restrictive interpretation限制解释
restrictive lending policy限制性贷款政策
restrictive measure限制措施
restrictive monetary policy限制性货币政策
restrictive phrase限制性短语
Restrictive Practice Act商业行为限制法
Restrictive Practice Court限制贸易惯例法院
restrictive role of auditing审计制约作用
restrictive trade practices限制性贸易惯例





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